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Originally posted by Resistance:

Ibti i don't beleive it was a lady neither, but for my own sanity i will make myself beleive is was a woman.



Feel better DD!!

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I cant stop eating,been nibbling all day and am still at it, must be the cold weather.. smile.gif Alhamdulillah.


Hello Sayid.


Lily, google darling google!

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Hello Malika - thanks for saying hello to me - i feel better now - here i was thinking i was joining the ranks of A&T and have no friends :D



Lily two good shoes - you are no friend to me :mad: iska jir it is already dark. :cool:



i hate writing!!!

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Originally posted by Resistance:

^ but that has a flaw, once a freind of yours comments on any picture that in turn wuill allow freinds of that freinds to veiw not only that picture but the entire album, i've many a picutes that i was not meant to see through this loophole.

That depends on that Friend privacy setting. My friends can not see any pictures I comment on.

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