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Now you can be sued for libel. :D:D I thought we are only good enough for Taran actually. At least that is something I think we know how to do it!


BTW, what this signature as to don't ignore men becuase they are small?? Do you want to go the way of the teacher women in Australia? I am getting attracted to you by the day, runti!

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Ms DD   

I should have heed the warning. I'd like to leave you with one thought...unfortunately I ain't sure you have anywhere to put it.

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Ms DD   

Walaalo, Dont show yourself up..oops, That train has long gone, hasnt it? Quit while you are ahead. I don't want to make a monkey out of you. Why should I take all the credit?

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A&T can you get your boys under control off MS DD back please, unless you want a war to break out up in here, and it won't be a nice one either, your boys will be toast.


Ms DD, you don't have to do anything girl, iska daa, waa attention seeking. icon_razz.gif


Ngonge, I agree, this use to be a happy thread, till the arrival of A&T clan. Qaxar baadan. :eek:

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Ms DD   

Dee meesha waad nagu cidleyseen.. and you know what happens when somalis have free time on their hands..wey isku so jeestaan.


Toast indeed! But they are harmless bunch. Soft hearts and head to match. I dont mind them smile.gif

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I got to tell everybody: Somali boys can and have done great work of art today - all the teachers came to congratule me today - it pleased me very much.



i quite proud of them - they affirmed my belief in the somali boys. what is suprising about this is the two boys that everyone complains about were the ones leading the way.

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Sayid, you make it sound like you trained a pair of apes there, saaxib. Surely that Somali boys can do whatever it is they did should not surprise you. I say be harsh on them and tell them they can do even better. They're no different to other boys.



I was only being polite to A&T (I didn't really mean it). No need to call for a pest controller for that. :D

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