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LoL@Cara, just be mean, or start talking of cancer patience and thrid world hunger, that will make them feel suitably ashamed.


Cl, what can I say, you had to be there...overtly good looks usually tend to be compensating for something.

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Hey Cara...good to see here mate. Listen I really need help. You see Abdi Heersare is acting up again .What shall i do?

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^^ I bet your eyes have always been a woman zone, saaxib. :D


Sheh, I never heard the story of the Turk and Jew girl. Spill, spill, spill...

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LOL @ Cabdiyo. Oh hey that's tough but darn it look at the time I should really get back to work well bye call me later and...


Lily, I should give that a go, but considering how self-absorbed people are, I don't think they would care. Today I was rolling my eyes, stretching my hamstrings, checking the time, nothing worked.


Someone else suggested I should start gossiping, apparently my inability to remember and pass on whatever I hear makes me a great listener.


LOL @ CL. Why are you having trouble believing Lily? Have you seen the guy?

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LOL, Cara ma iga carartey.Come back :D


Sayid ,is that a bad thing.Anyways im leaving,meesha waan kuu firaaqeynaya.


Sheh,do tell.

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Cara I don’t need to be there dee, I know it’s impossible, when god was handing down looks Somali men where busy arguing about clans/politics they missed out. Hence why am questioning Lilys eyes now :D

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LOL sheekaan idinka dhargiyey maanta and u still want more. Iimaanka(incomplete habaar). I can't find the one about the gorgeous Turk, somewhere in there was also the one about the pervy Turk. Determined not to let it beat me.....

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Nuune - sxb iska waran - gabdhahaan mid miyaa ka heshay oo aad rabtay ineey wax iska tiirahdo? :D


Ngonge - you should practise lowering your gaze smile.gif - a brotherly advice - also please do tell Cara that you gave her to me as peace pact between me and the northerners on SOL ;)


Cabdiyo - wasn't it you who adviced me before not to go and argue with women and their debates?


and still i can't get a reaction from Cuqdadley


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CL, but even you don't think they are uniformly unattractive, there must be a scale on which this Farah came out on top when compared to other Farahs icon_razz.gif


Sayid, Ngonge's pact with you expired 12 days ago when you failed to send me darsin dahab ah (standard fee) iyo bir canjeelo (personal request). Stop trying to find loopholes.

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