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:D:D ..... I can imagine that.


I remember this Sjuwi girl who was my colleague, some people were talking about something and this SIBIIL term came to the conversation. She asked what does it mean and nobody could explain.


Next morning she came insulting everybody that they should have told her it is Ceeb coz she was going around her family the whole night asking what does Sibiil mean and they were all laughing ,,,,,, :D

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Originally posted by Oz:

^^ How are you doing Cadaan! When are you coming to Aussie?

It's all good bro smile.gif No plans to go to Australia, but insha Allah someday. Nuune, I have a macawiis that I usually wear to pray salaat but don't wear it any other time.

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Good Morning All.


Warya JB - taas waxaa ka daran, mid soo iibsatay funaanad ay ku qorantahay "kiss me", markaasay dadka waydiisay 'waa maxay kiss me?' - midkoo ciyaal suqu ayaa soo boday oo ku yidhi "anaa aqaan" bacdeena laba ilma adeer ah, labada dhaban kaga dheejiyay - iyadoo bodboodeysa ayeey meshii ka carartay.



since everyone is asking, Cadaan when are you coming to Madaw my village. :D

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^^ Go somewhere exotic and take a photo of me with you (no, not in that way). It'll probably cheer me up to know a likness of me is swimming in the amazon or something.


Morning all.

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lol@waa xiligii ay soo wada toosi jireen, oo ma sidaada oo kalaan diiqoon ciyin toosnaa, adiga qaruumaa jiman kula xiriiro, halka ay awliya naga weheliso anaga :D

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Heh@Sheh..don't flatter yourself, dear. Your..ahem..ahem is not that good looking. icon_razz.gif


I just need a good two week break from it all. But it has to be a place with a Somali maqaaxi within a two day walking distance.


Morning, JB.

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