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Sayidka ,, niyow marka hore inaad iska ilaaliso bay ahayd intaanad marka dambe calaacalin ,,,, now bal i tus anigaa karbaashaya qofta e ,,,,

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Cabdiyo, whatever you do don't translate for Ibti, what i wrote. :cool:


LOOOOOOOOOOL@jac :D horadada markan qabtay dhigatay $^%&^*&(*)()(&%%$£"£$%%^&() :D good luck with deciphering that one.


that is enought dembi for me today, i have go to go and wash them off now.

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:D:D:D ........... Now i need gabaygaas oo isku dhan ,,, i'm waiting for you in the PM room ,,, soo dhaqso intaanad iska maydhin bal aad mar is wada raacsatide ,,, :D

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Astaqfurullaah, in that level inaad la aado maba aheen maskiinta, niyahow balaayaad ka sameesantahay

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