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^Or it could be something rather more nasty, me think!


Morning folks!


Need an idea on a birthday present for a male collegue,he is a good friend but has everything now what can the poor me buy such a man? ps..He is married to my other very good friend,so no naughty suggestions there JB's. icon_razz.gif

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Johnny B   

Don't you dare get af-somali-pedantic on me JB.

Nuune and his ciyalka xafada Somali are not mainstream Somali.


And you of all 'qaldans' are the last person to approve his Somali.


I'm da kahuna i even know what 'biiq' means. icon_razz.gif

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No problem JB ,, i'll organize some Somali lessons with Ibti when she comes back. Ngonge will have some lectures once a week.



Morning Malika ,,, don't make yourself tired. Just print a birthday card for him and that should do all.

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^The man is an artist, a poet and an execellent English teacher, you say I print him a card of the net? Jac you cheap so and so..Lol


Johnny, a razor you say , hmmm that will definetly suit my tight budget.. :D

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Morning folks and folketeness



Johny iyo JB bal aan eegno waxa kala dhax maro, waana ogahay JB inuusan aqoonin erayga biiq, waxaan kaloon ogahay in Johyny uu erayga biiq hal macna bas u yaqaano, halka ay sadex macno ka leedahay, I bet he only knows one meaning which is nasty one :D .


Naughty Johny, mornin, maraxyahow, did you catch urself wadaadoo kala xiran ayaamahan sanboorkii winterkaa ku dulleestay :D



EDIT: Malika, Morning, well there are lots of things you could give him as a gift, you just need inaa maskaxda ka shaqeesiiso to find the list!

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looooool@malika ,,, even if he is a teacher or whateva you don't need to pay money on something you can do for free. Just print a card written HAPPY BIRTHDAY and give it to him. Don't try to find nice words, his wife will do that for you ,, loooool



Nuune, we can understand why Johnny knows only one meaning of BIIQ ,,, it is obvious , waa waxay odayga bareen ,,, :D

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Heh@poor Malika. Life is too short to spend it worrying about what gift to buy whom! Just close your eyes and randomly choose something.


Morning all.

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