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^^^Loool, your far too kind, dinner at 12.30, hilib and baris, as far as I am concerned I did give them suuxur! :D


Nuune how so??

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^^ Have you never played the swan dance of guest and host, Ibti?


After five minutes of being there, the guest apologises for imposing but the host insists that it is no problem at all. The guests relaxes and enjoys himself. If they happen to have a break in the conversation (like, err, going to Tarawiix for example) the guest would again apologise for imposing but the host will again insist it is no problem and mention that the food has to be eaten. An hour later and another lull in the convo, the guest does not say anything this time but the host jumps in with 'anyone for tea?' the guests refuse but he convinces them to have it by claiming that it is ready already (it takes two hours to bring the ready tea along).


(tell me that's not how it happend icon_razz.gif )

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Whats up trolls.Damn I missed this place.What can you enjoy when you are smelly student studying and doing projects come weekdays or weekends.Schools sucks.Life sucks right now!

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^^Wlc Stoic, this placed missed you too...but who are you again?? icon_razz.gif


Nope Ngonge, not at all. They made themselves at home and chatted about the good old days, laughed all the way to tarawiix and back and continued laughing and shouting till they left. They gabayiid to each other, cussed each other, did some amaan and teased each other. They were a bunch of really cheerful, friendly and were comfortable enough to ask for more tea or say haad faalxaalki uu baa noo haadey.

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Ngonge, I hate my life right now.It is the last friday of Ramathan might as well take a break from that shit-hole (pre-clinic lab).


Ibti,lol.I missed all the trolling time and the free time.Keep me in your prayers!

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Aaliyah, thanks Wallal.Sometimes I beleive that prayers are the only thing that can keep people going.So I need all the prayers I can get this blessed month.I need to go to the Majid, which I have been neglecting to do.Gotta make it to Friday prayer today after classes!

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^^It is also the 27th today stoic, so few hrs of praying will do you good inshallah, May allah make it easy for you I'A. Hang in there. smile.gif

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^^For sure prayer is an important part of our religion. It's what brings us closer to Allah swt, and as the prophet said pbuh "there nothing more dear to Allah swt than a servant praying to him"..


inshallah increase your du'a and everything will go well.


Ibti now you reminded me that I won't even have enough space to breath at the mosque tonight..funny how the other days the place is half empty, or they just run off after 8 rak'as ...inshallah will get there first..


wa salaam

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Ibti,I Didn't even realize it was the 27th until this Pakistani girl in my class mentioned it to me whether I'll be making to the masjid or studying for an upcoming exam and practicals.Days got mixed up on me Istaghfuruallh.Will try to make it tonight.

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Stoic- longtime no see. See wax yihiin. Any lectures for Walac please! Is Walac a scientific thing.

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