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^^^My brother was just the driver, :D these are the big people of the clan (oodayashi) I think they came to bless the little people like us. redface.gif My brother had to drive them all home, he got back for fajar, we were all too tired and sick of food to eat by then and we all overslept this morning. :(


Ngonge what were we suppose to do?? Tell them to go??

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should have left it to your bro. I would not stand for that. I don't understand why your aunt needs to miss prayers to serve them? The food was ready, no? Were they missing fore-limbs?

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^^^Yeah because they did not eat their tigis of baris and tigis of hilib. What would have done with it if they did not come back?? :eek: and it would be rude for them not to eat the food that was cooked for them!


Sheh lol. I would love to see the day Oodyashu start serving their own food.

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They sound positively outrageous Ibti and inconsiderate of others during the month of Ramadan. Kibri badana, even if you are bursting take two bites and leave before tarawiix.


I thought Afur was Afur and not after-Afur dinner anyway.

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Sheh, no he is not, but the rest were. It would be rude to leave them at home, and my brother will give them cold food, and forget the salad or dessert and make too much mess. It is really easier to do it yourself sometimes. Whenever he does something I spend hrs cleaning after him.

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Lily I think just waax lagu yidi noo kaaley afur time.


I blame the host but for a different reason. You see there are only few days till Ramadan ends, why not wait till then and invite them for lunch. No one ever listens to me until after the fact. This morning baa la leyeh I think after Ramadan would've been easier.

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Hmm, but all they had to say was we are too full we will eat after tarawiix and then everyone would have been merry. Little old men, oh well!

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^^ Ibti,


Walaalka ma hindi ba? If he's Somali and these are his 'odayaal' he will insist and insist that they stay for dinner (and probably breakfast too if he had enough beds for them).


Anyway, you hinted that they're 'tolka', which means that business of courtesy does not apply here. Mi Casa, Su Casa....

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The brother qaabka iyo dhaqanka Soomaalida ayaa ku yaraa, or maybe the norms of Somali people aad uma uusan aqoonin!!

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^^^He did not need to insist, they knew luguma caasumi just sambuuse.


Lool @ ma hindi ba! HAHAHA lool, I am so going to tell him you said tht! haha loool. hahaha.


I think courtesy always applys. I did not say he was my first atheer, just somewhere baan ku suu maarneh in our long list of names aka abtinsiryo.


Lily yeah that would've made sense.


Oh well whatever Ajar I would've got, I think I used it up complaining. redface.gif alhumdulilah, at least they did not stay and ask for suuxur eh.

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