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Sheh, thanks. Lumut looks good. Will stay in the west and enjoy another visit to a Muslim country. Johhny can learn alot if he did the same.


ps someone wants to know where to get the silk scarfs from smile.gif


Ngonge, Green Street? How scenic :D The Africa trip is still on the cards. When we muster up enough courage to do it :D


ps adigu carabaha uun ku wareeg :D

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^^ State Of The Art remote, mate. :D


Norf, I want to go to Egypt but don't want to see any of that touristy stuff. But one day, I am going to go to Peru and I will see the tourist stuff. :D

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^^ Not yet. Everytime I decide to go I somehow change my mind and go to Dubai instead. :D


Start training for your Everst climb, if I live long enough I will go to Peru. Eldorado, baby, Eldorado.

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Norf, what was the thread where you and Dabshid posted jobs in Dubai links. Hunguri baa i qabtey mar kaliya. smile.gif I can see myself saving a fortune and investing in this and that.

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Sheh to where I would love to run away. :(


We invited guest over for Afuur yesterday. They had Afuur,( sambusse and the usual) They said they were too full to eat dinner (the hilib & baris) and to wait before serving, 8.30pm they have still not asked for their dinner. I evil eye my brother and he says take it easy. Me and my edo made a deal, that she would miss tarawiix and stay behind and I will clean the mess when I get back. I run off to Tarawiix, I come back at 11.45pm and only one of them was still home. I was mutter under my breath hurry up will ya, when the door opened behind me and in walks in my brother and three other guys. "Oo waad naag soo deerays" my brother says.


I'm think they have come back for dessert or something. They went in the living room. I checked out the kitchen. The food was still there in its tiigis. Edo walks in and says oh you are here, daadb ka ku shiid and sii. :eek: I'm like what?? They have not eat, she said no they went tarawiix like you and now they want their dinner.


To cut a long story short, they left at 2am. I had to clean and serve. Who the hell gets invited to someone’s house for afur and leaves at 2am. What is all that about??


Afternoon North, how are the kids and Mrs and yourself??

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