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Salam people. I think it was laytul qadar last night. It was so nice and still. I hope it was.


Just got to work and wondering where to start. hmmm


so what is going on people, what did i miss?

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Faheema, and Afro, AT&T soonkaa si xun u hayo, marka iska fahma, and he is not defensive, quwwad kalaa ka tan badisey!



Afro loooooooool@shimbiroow, waxaan kaloo soo xasuustey waraaboow cudurka la dhaho :D

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nuune ,, nabadoonimo waa laguu ogol yahay laakiin ta aad igu haysato ee aanad ii ogolayni waa Awliyonimadayda ....


NG, at least he took some of your time ,,,,, have a nice day ,,

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Norf, I did visit Malaysia but I never wrote about it. Very worth seeing. Someone on SOL lives there.


I saw KL, Melacca, Penang over 3 weeks.


Ibts, I thought it was the night of the 23rd; had a feeling about it lol.

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JB, loooooooooool wali tii baad wadaa miyaa, taas dagaal baa ka yaala sxb, si fudud ku sii deyn maayo :D



Afternoon Ibti

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LoL +Faheeema Dhibleey waaxid A&T yuusan alaabihiisi soo qufine aan iska dhaafno ninkaan sheekoyin badano mucjiso ah ayuu usoo taagnaaye

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She, I hope it was not the 23rd I wasted that nyt on sin redface.gif I hope it was last night or friday I'A.


Last night I was think, we don't even know if we started Ramadan on the right date, so we might even have it all wrong, imagine we've been focusing on the odd nights (which if we started to the wrong day might in fact be the even nights) :eek: ) Nxt yr I'm going to do the full ten inshallah.



Hey nuune.

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^^I said imagine, they are always arguing about the starting and finishing date and we always assume we are right, but what if we are wrong?

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Everyone started on the same day this year Ibti. Shacbaan was 30 days. You worry too much.


Redbull has been my friend of late,,,,,,,

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Couldn't find that redbull at all but Black coffee was my partner although it makes me more asleep hadana kama maarmo ,,, :D


I missed the Prayars last night ,,, tried to get 2 hour sleep and i woke up in the morning ,,,, now don't tell me i missed the Laylatul Qadr ,,,, :mad:

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Sheh, I thought 23 too,even thought it sounds crazy to say you think it was a particular night. Allah knows best.


Ibti lol, that is why its best to just focus on full Ibada the whole month and just intensify it towards the end, regardless of the nights icon_razz.gif

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