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Johnny B   


Somebody seems to have gotten used to playing on Ngonge's Ramadan susceptibilities, so maha?!


Just wait till he gets fed and belches! icon_razz.gif

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Originally posted by Johnny B:

^^Sayid ,

** Johhny stops his hand into his mouth and ribs his heart off **

Eeg, ayaa kugu yidhi Johnny wadne ma haysto?


I must see a Doc.

1. how does "stops" work?

2. are you confusing your tongue with a heart - or do you think you carry your heart in your mouth?

3. seeing a doctor was i was about to propose, but it is good to see that have worked that by yourself

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Originally posted by nuune:

looool@Sayid, sxb ma ihi Godadle, you can call me goodir, but not godadle,


Sayid, I can say you sought advice of what that word means, and you came up the correct one
got ye



godadle waa gadiisi, heestii baan soo xasuustey

Goodir?? which type the male kudu (antelope) or the male camel type as in their colour?? :cool: and fyi - goodirs are the ultimate godadleyaal icon_razz.gif (obviously only for their kind)



i haven't sought any advice saxiib - af-soomaaliga waan ka badiya - sidas ogoow horta!! icon_razz.gif

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loool@sayid, oo goodirkii ayaadba aqooninee ood iweydiinaysa wuxuu yahay inuu anatelope yahay or the camel one :D



actually I havent said waan kaa badiyaa, so dabcan waad iga badisaa oo ii faaiidee!



Aniga luqada waan jeclahay, jaceel saa'id ah waliba oo bilaa xad ah

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what a horror!! i saw this morning a woman slicing her stomach with a broken sakiiin/small blade and two PSO and two street wardens were standing by calling the real police and ambulance, whilst begging the woman to stop slicing her stomach, there was blood pouring out from the cuts running down her legs, by standers screaming "stop her" and two pso were telling them to move on.


Alxamdullilaah, i for one; i am greatful to Allah for having my faculty intact .

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Morning guys,



Sayid, taas mid waalan bey aheyd, maxaa meeshaas ku dhigay adiga



Norf, give Sophist a warm welcome smile.gif

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