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^^ The rule book clearly states that only people under the age of 23 can refer to me as an 'old man'. Take that back ban ku edhi. Take it back now.

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lol@African hair, Afro, do you remember the little animal called Kashiito with the skin of qodxaha leh oo ku mudaayo, cant remember in English, dad waxaan arkey timahooda kashiitada korkeeda oo kale leh :D

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LoooooL Nuune kashiitada BADA Kujirto maad sheegeysaa ...ANIGA KUWEYGA Kuuleey calibanjarta DHOGORTEEDA CAMAL WAAYE LOl Astaqfurallah!

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Nuune aniga Kashiito waxaa u aqaana bala bada kujiro oo QODXO MUDAC AH LEH OO isku difaaca waliba xawayaanka iyo dadkaba wuu ku seyriyaa

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^^ Afar walba Somalia jooga af gooni bay eska leyehiin I think. You guys seem to disagree on the names of things every single day. Heh.


But does the 'Kashiito' refer to the thorns in both 'animals'?

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My heart goes for you and those school children who were shot.

Mr. Boy,

whilst it is good to know that you understand your neighbour's lingo - it is not good to be sarcastic - for it only exposes your inability to respond to my questions. and do you have heart? - Remember: "sarcasm and cynicism are the lowest form of wit"



Akhyar Enuun: Haye! iska waran - maxaad yeerinaysa? gormaad macalin noqotay?

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Johnny B   

We've only two dialects on SOL .

Nuune's and the rest.


Actually the word 'Kuuley Cali Banjar' is more spread and famous than 'Kashiito'.


Nuune, it's hedgehog you're looking for.

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