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Nuune, waan fiicanahay saaxiib. Wax la'aan mooye, waa Ok xaalku. Malaa'igahaan iska weheshanaa! Adigu waran.


Ngonge, Do you material girl? Ka daa dee Serenity is old foe of mine doesn't mean you have the right to taunt her.

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AT&T, kheyr weeye sxb xaalku, wax bariiska diidey ma jiraa la oran jirey hadey taas Ramadaantu shaqeeneeso waa shax shax umuuraha,


EDIT: AT&T, hadee waan u jeedaa waxey ibti qortey, laakinse waxaan u maleeni kol horaad kaga dhawaajisey gaabdha marka wey liqi la'dahay waxaad soo qortey


Ibti, I remember that, and I do have the memory of Garanuug

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^^ :D


A&T, Serenity can easily defend herself. But I bet she wont. She can only do one thing at a time, and right now, she's dreaming of some place. If you people were not fasting I would have described it for you (big door, five windows, delicious marble floor..mmm..mmmm..did I mention the front yard? mmmm..mmmm.. ok I better stop. This is not fair on you.

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Ngonge, the word you're looking for is 'Lifestyle'. I liked the lifestyle.


See, I dont want to go to Africa, because I couldnt live without today's modernities, however, I do not like to feel like a sardine in a can every morning to enjoy them.


I'm not too keen on canada, as their winters sound horrendous, but the place is definitely livable and lovely in the summer. And certainly better than the UK on the lifestyle front.

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You you guys always talk about me in a different language or when I am not here. I just want to let you all know that I don't forgive u for this, and I will be coming to collect my dues when I die, unless you tell me icon_razz.gif:D


aaah How do I say "credit" in somali?


Nuune what is Garanuug?

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Ibti, Garanuug is beautiful wild life animal, lets say it is Gazelle, what is your knowledge of Somali names of wild animals, I have got about 200 names in Somali if you want to read or learn about them.

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Nuune: Erm 200 Somali animals, I refuse to learn things I will never use in life. I mean I even refuse to learn my abtirsimo pass four grandfathers. What is the use in making me memories 29names which lead a to fake shike who probably never existed. :confused: Now you want me to learn 200 animal names, for what? to use when and how? offer me something more useful nuune. For example; how do I say credit in Somali? :D

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Heh. Serenity, 4x4? I don't care for the enviornment much but those cars and women are never a good look.





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Waryaa nuune, do you buy her suuro? She is very good in Somali. I made the mistake of thinking she is not, before.


BTW, I am happy McCain is finally on top in the polls. After the demise of Hillary, I hate this demagogue Obama. I don't mind if he wins, laakiin isagoon meela gaareyn inuu islaanta naga rido ma aheyn? Sorry for mixing politics. I thought it is current affairs.

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Ngonge, lool, nice one,



Ibti, ehehe, you could actually use them all the time, you could say, maanta waxaan cuney hilib Gari, or you could say, I have seen Goodir in the Zoo, lots of uses, and you can always say waxaan u socdaa sidii biciidka, this is a wild animal with beautiful walking, only if you could see them the way they walk :D


Ibti, you also turned down my Cute Somali Words, alot to learn from there, if you are ready, the names of the Stars would be good for you to learn them



AT&T, waan la socdaa sxb iney naga badiso af Soomaalka.

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^Ninkaasa (JohnnyB) leh isku dhib baynu qabnaa? Adeeroow ha igu digan. Bal halkaad sii marayso day: muwah kulahaa!


Anaguna wali waxaan taaganahay "Suleekhaay aragaaga...saddex bay ku qadaaye, ha ka goyni salaantaa".

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^^yadyad yaa.


Nuune: You can just say "I DON'T know" you know. Somali men never like to admit they don't know! :D Now he is going to tell me how to use 200 animal names I never will remember or ask for, waaxaan weyediyeh he is ignore it! Shuu haada?

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