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I wouldn't mind working in those areas. They seem much more natural than a darn office. You know, all that fresh air and interaction with different people, etc.


I've been thinking recently about opening (or buying) my own Somali maqaaxi. I reckon it will be great to sit there and observe my customers whilst at the same time making some money.


Any advice, A&T?

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I agree, they are fine working places. But, a mother who called her son in US sums up my felings.


The man told his mom he works in a slaughter house where they kill more than 1000 bulls each day and his task is cleaning the blood. A worried mother told him " Hooyo, yuuna shaydaan ku dardarine qardhaas ma kuu soo diraa?"

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^^ No, Sheh. I am there everyday though, between the hours of 12.00 and 1.00. :D (just in case any of you might be passing by).


Why sad?




eesh cala diblomaasi bad tahay, ninyaho. sheekoyin yar yar qosol leh bad ego jilcisay, iminka nah hadalka culus ba so baxay miya?


qoloyankan aad sheegasyo wa one-time-use, waaba mamnooc en la qaybsado. Lakin runta hadan kuu sheego, waxba lama socotid ninyaho. nin es huba hadaan ahaa ma halkanaad ego arki laheed ano kuwan marna xagxaganaya marna o il jabinaya?


You and I are on the same boat, saaxib. Ragga shaqeestay waa Xiin, nuune eyo CHE. :D

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Exactly!NG! ragaasi cosobsi bay ku jiraan. Meel kasta gacantay mariyeen! Radkoodiibaa meeel kasta daadsan. But I am not all dumb. I realised their potential; and it is not by happenstance I am a freind to Nuune and Xiin. I have the feeling Nuune inuu wax iigu maqan yahay. Xinn waa xaasid. Che is a bad man. He doesn't want to share what he has.

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Johnny B   

Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka:

Safe Journey JB. If your company is Ibti- Johnny B iyo anigu maxaan markaa isku haynaa? bad luck.


Nuune- War meesha ka kac oo bal meesha ii dhexmar. If you find all the nubile ladies are either occupied or unwilling, kuwo aan ka ducaysto soo hel. I am not finicky. Aakharadaydaan u shaqaysan.

^Easy for you to 'faajafaajood' once you'd had her butter milk , waxeynu sku heynu wad ogtahy e haigu jees jeesin. icon_razz.gif



Mantaad Nuune talo saratay?

The story of the two widowers in 'Ruun Nirgood' summarizes my sentiment.


A widower asked another to inform him if he finds a potential 'garob' or 'gabar gesa xir ah, the second answered ' waa hadan laba amd sedax helo '. :D

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you have a look-a-like who sits in cafes.


Sad because a straw just broke a camel's back and I have my answer on something I was confused about it. It is sad to lose a friend; last night I made a friend, today I am going to put distance between me and an old, old friend. I can't work, I'm that sad & hurt. Getting no work done whatsoever, might have to make up for lost time later tonight.

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loolllllllllllllllllllllllllll@hadaan laba ama saddex helo! :D:D:D War Johnyy B'ganina wuu ii dhinaa ileen? What is your other shirt? magaca kale ii sheeg. Far waa weyn unbaan wax ku fahmaaye. Saaxiib, hadaan wax hayno maxaa intaa naga dhawaajinaya? Side XINN baanu anagu soo doogsanay oo hadda soo toosnay dadka meesha isku haysta kala qaban lahayne!




Salaanta miyaan la iska qaadayn? Waa sidee?

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^^ Don't lose them. Just put them on pause. You never know how you would feel in the future.


(Work is overrated).



You realise that now you revealed you sadness in public some guys on here (and I'm not naming any names) may just try to take advantage of your moment of weakness. :D



Heh@JB (bullseye).

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A, no energy to spare anyone but myself today. Salam.


Why is sadness a weakness? And for sure this is to be temporary, I don't do wallowing in negativity anymore. No chance of picking up opportunistic trolls, no chance. I'm sad not ******.

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ATT & T quote:


Waa la isu kay sheegay baan umaleyne, let us concentrate on ambushing new entrants. Inta hore, they are updated.


Mise iyaga laftigooda mid laga xanaajiyey baan sasabtaa. have you ever been approached by a beautiful girl (an acquaintance) who tells you at length sida uu her man -in most cases your friend- u xumeeyay? And did you have the gut to console her by wiping tears from her eyes and suggesting non-verbally that the tears could go away forever if she assents to what is in your mind?


Women are sophesticated. There are some who understand it in a fraction of seconds. And all the grief is gone!



She beware of scavengers in Troll Corner.

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