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Talk to me. Are you like those men who desert their friends when surrounded by women. Waryaa ila hadal oo xagee wax marayaan? I need your attention. And frankly I am feeling jelous. No wonder my wife thought I am dating you.

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^^^He is not going to divorce her, come on, he got lucky a second time, no way will another women marry him. He is with this one till death otherwise he'll be sleeping on the street. icon_razz.gif

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Oo miyad joogtay, xabiibi (it's normal for Arab men to use this term of endearment with each other). :D


** Wonders of Mrs A&T reads SOL **

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Subax wanaagsan Trollers ...... you have 1 more week to rid yourselves of all maalayacni hadal ... marka yaan waxba lala hadhin !


LOL @ ngonge & A&T taas waa siyaado lakin

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Ilama ahan in AT&T la aamusiin karo, asagoo dhiishiisa iyo ashuunka la turaanturoon baad arki hadii uu xataa dhowr jeer la takhaantikhiyo,


Toobtuu dillaacsan ma maqli jirtey :D

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