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Troll Corner

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Thanks JB & North


Every year I tell myself I am going to overcome my addiction “Coffee” so when Ramadan comes I don’t suffer as much. But every year I fail to do so. :(

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^^Miyaad ii ignore gaareinasy :( Can't you even return my Salam these days yaa north. I've noticed a change you know...

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

Yes they said 22 countries with only 6 medals ,,, freaking losers iga dheh ,,,

They got it wrong. They said 22 countries (where one assumes they included Sudan) but they did not mention Sudan's silver medal. It was eight medals in total, not six. :D

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Ngonge, are yo readin the comments on that link of Hal Fashalal Carab fii Beijing :D


Illeen shacabka carabta waa dad nool, ee xukuumadahooda ayaa ducafa ah,



one comment said:


al sabab ra'iisi fii dacfi al mustawa al-carab huwa ihtimaamul al-carab fii kurratil qadam faqad


another comment said:


Al mushkilatu takmunu fii annal al-acarb laa yacrifuuna maathaa tacnii al-thaqaafatu alriyaadiyyah



that is true



PS: is Somalia included those 22 AArab countries :D mise waa laga saarey

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The trolls must have had an eventful weekend. Two hours since the last message here? :D


Come out, come out.

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