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Wlc Geel Jire. This place sure is strange.


Has anyone notice the guys are becoming cry babies. A&T is rubbing off on them :D I expect to see any moment now a thread from Sayid saying "Why does everyone hate me" Shiid. We have a growing list of niinman ciiyaal aah!

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GJ,Maalin wanaagsan!



A conversation between my two nephews this morning;


A[aged 6]: When so and so have babies we shall be Abti's,when you have children I will be atheer[sounding excited]


B[aged 4]: I dont want to have children,and I dont want to be atheer or abti[sounding upset]


A:You dont want to be like Aabo


B:No! [starts crying]


The 4yr old is already developing phobia for marriage and kids!bisinka..Lol probably be bachelor until his 60's. :D


CL,its a stress coping mechanism..LOL

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After work last night, I went into a shop to buy some plaster. There was only one customer ahead of me in the queue. She looked at least ninety years of age. While the shopkeeper went away to fetch her order, she turned around to me and spoke in Urdu (I remembered CL). I told her I I did not speak Urdu.


Old lady: You not Pakistan?

Me: Nay

Old lady: Vere from?

Me: Somalia

Old lady: Somalia Speak Urdu?

Me: Nay

Old lady: you speak Urdu?

Me: Nay. I understand torah torah Urdu.

Old lady: You VANT ice cream.

Me: Huh?

Old lady: Ice Cream. You VANT?

Me: No thanks.

Old lady: It's free.

Me: It's ok.

Old lady: Vy you not take my ice cream?

Me: I don't like ice cream, auntie. All kinds.

Old lady: You have bad teeth, like me. I see gap.

Me (thinking to myself): @#’@/~’’#’@


Old lady: Do you want biscuits?

Me: No thanks.

Old lady: Go AVAY, kala #@$£%#^%&



The shop owner told me that she lives alone and is a very nice lady. Nice? Nice? The racist-grave dodger!

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subax wanaagsan ibti & malika


too many things to count add to your list we have the anomaly that is the 'unknown' guy/girl ... another lady asking for donations of the biological kind.

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went away to fetch her order, she turned around to me and spoke in Urdu (I remembered CL). I told her I I did not speak Urdu.

:mad: are you saying am old?


Malika bless send him my way plz smile.gif


GJ- it means i love you. smile.gif

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LOOL. Weli waxba maad arag.


Anyway, you've got the wrong clan, dear. Ibti iyo labadaa nin isku hawoba maaha. I did say small and quirky.

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^^^ regardless. one claims to be her online father & the other her online husband. so i await for their arrival.


in the mean time - i am out - i'll come back after Jumca. hopefully they'll be ready for Xeer then.

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She might have been 90 but she was hot. Those Pakis are a walking temptation with their low cut shalwar khamees. icon_razz.gif

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أهلا وسهلا كل المسلمين الموجودون في هذه الصفحة الموقورة, يوم الجمعة هو يوم بارك الله فيها وارسل رحمته للعالمين

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أهلا وسهلا كل المسلمين الموجودون في هذه الصفحة الموقورة, يوم الجمعة هو يوم بارك الله فيها وارسل رحمته للعالمين

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