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Ibti, she will going here IA.


Good luck with the editing.


Dabshid, nothing new saxib. Chilling after late night wedding. 'Return of the Mack' by Mark Morisson was played :D

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North that looks fab, she loved the fish last time. did you guys get her a fish tank with few goldfishes yet? Enjoy being a child again :D


Thanks, waan kuu soo socda idigana icon_razz.gif


P.s. Did you enjoy the wedding then I take it?


JB Why are you Ex Muujaahid??

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Marxaban ya asdiqaa'!


Originally posted by Pucca:

listen to me are tired, yes yes you are...very very tired. You must sleep and stop thinking about hormones and glands...sleep and think no more of exams or papers...just .....sleep...
*yes im talking to myself*


i cant sleep!! does warm milk actually work? oh well its too gross to even bother with anyway, and the sheeps i was counting died hours ago (going around in circles isnt easy).

Poor you. Pucca not only does warm milk help, it.. really really helps.

Try it with a tablespoon of malab and it tastes delicious.


I've had the same problem for ages, I used to sleep at 5am even if I went to bed at 12/1am.

Exercising and changing my diet made all the difference, and now I fall asleep by 12 or 1am (it's an improvement!)

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Ibtisam ohboy.gif


Pucca it SO does help, try it. If you keep it in your head that it won't work, then obviously you'll be awake thinking about that.



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wazzup ppl..this summer was a record for xalimos coming to la....its really nice... keep coming..

plz...i would like to see some xamar gal come to la though..

wazzup with all this burco gals coming to la.


how did burco gals got to the top of xalimoos chain food lately.......i cant figure it out!!


they hard-headed but they chill after lil while when they get to know u.. not bad.


hit it...


i believe in mircales

where u from u sexy thing


yesterday..i was one of the loneliest ppl

how did u know i need u so badly

now u lying close to me making love to me


did u know that u is everything i prayed for

and u giving it to me........!


i love them all... diff one every day of the week.... loooooool.

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