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^Lol,Jac is on the heat labadaa beeri,bisinkaa!


Ibti,that sounds great,no talking about men,or other women during this session,actually it would be much better if we go kick ball in the park..I like that better,then talking about the darn game.


CL,I will probably be bored within an hour and then start getting obsessed with how the room stinks,wondering whom doesnt change his socks often etc...Nah,will soon get over my little mood and go play badminton with my Indian friends.

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Urban sounds like fun, you want to leave already, or is it a fix contract?? Tips, hmmm It does not have to be in your usual field. Aim for maximum pay and flexible hours and minimum work, you don’t have to enjoy it, it can be boring or mundane. After all the essence of having a part time job is not a career but to pay the bills while you focus on studies. Where to find them, work for big organisations, small ones are always cutting costs and try to make you do 3peoples jobs. Check out the newspapers on Thursdays and websites.


Malika Sounds like fun to me. I'm up for it, can we go and play pool after?

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Originally posted by Ibtisam:

JB, where is JB. I just saw some disturbing shiid aad qoortee :eek: :eek: I hope to god, oh lord please let Amilia be your sister or that is even worse.

what did you see Ms. Bule eyes ?? :D

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^^^I'm send you a private message. Siidan sii maah. :eek: Hargisa waa luugu bayeh big time :eek: :eek: I'm in shock still.

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You know I just saw some other things, and I've decided that there is no one point. You are a lost case and it is none of my dam*n business. I'm deaf and blind from now on when it comes to you. Juuq baa igu maaqaal again.

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There is no better sight in the world than a woman playing badminton. Flailing limbs, screeches and black eyes all over the place. Poetry in motion so it is. :D



Nothing really happens on that FB, does it? I'm bored already. :D

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^^^Well you only have 9 friends, four which you do not know?? What did you expect?? When you have 100friends, the place is buzzing :D Get more friends old man.

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Originally posted by Ibtisam:

You know I just saw some other things, and I've decided that there is no one point. You are a lost case and it is none of my dam*n business. I'm deaf and blind from now on when it comes to you. Juuq baa igu maaqaal again.

what does that suppose to mean now ???

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^^ Heh. JB beat you to that honour, A&T. Of the ten, he's the only one that seems to be alive. The rest are all Arabic speakers. No SOL rifraf at NG Towers. :D

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