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looks like the old man is knocked out ! ! ! ,,, bal aaskiisa uun ii soo sheega markaa , :D


I didn't know CL is that powerful ,,, loool

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Originally posted by NGONGE:


Somalido waxay ku maahmahdaXiin.

You are officially Somalinized. Now let Oodweyne baptize you with ciid gudood and caano geel.

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How do normal people work after eating?? I tried not eating till 3.30-4.00pm, I tried eating light, I tried snacks. I'm try salad 2morrow. I still go on shut down mode after eating. :(

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Ms DD   

^^ African waaxid. WHen their(our) belly is filled, they (we) tend to sleep.


I never meddle between man and his wife Ngone. But minyaro is where I draw the line.

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I just did the FB thing. I notice that I have a couple of people there that I don't know. Would it be rude to ask them who they are you think? :D




Ms DD,

As long the line is some sort of a circle that you start drawing around me and CL.

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^^^It just means you and Ngonge smile.gif


Ngonge! Loool ^^Just delet them and they will add you again if they like you enough, then you can ask, or just ask.


Che, why?? how does that help?


MS DD; lol I'm not full, I'm just tired after eating. :D I'm still African? Well at least you did not say Arab.

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NG, go to brother Cadaan's page. Most Somalis on his friends list are SOLers. Oh yeah, there is also the SOL group.

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Mke mdogo@CL.


I am experiencing a,cant be bothered eating,now how do people living on their own survive,I mean have the motivation to cook for one!

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^^ And you use foul language too? I'm starting to have my doubts about you, woman. Everything is off. It's over. And as rudy would say in such a situation: don't cry for me angry tina.


Thank you, North. Now how do I go there again? :D

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