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^^^They have animal fat in them, read the ingredients next time old man!


Yes the current order is:










Lab Xiinyood


I would like you to drop off the list all together or stay near the bottom if you must be included Dumaashi [Can't have oodeye ciiyaal xafad list kuu jiira calling me Dumaashi now, can I!] redface.gif

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^^^lool :D I'm glade you took it so well!


JB: HE writes in Somali, so I miss most of it, thank god. I can only rate based on what I can read and understand. redface.gif

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I am doing fine in the list of Raga dhiiga kulul! I need to overtake JB, Che, Dabshid. Ducaysane will take some effort!


Thanks Ibti! at least Ngonge is below me! :D Now, would you object if someone present the equivalent list of the female? Just kidding, don't shoot!

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I can only rate based on what I can read and understand

That is not the usual thing ...... that is why he named himself after the stuff expecting to be the first.


A&T said he was going to change his name to 8 xiniinyoodle ,,, :D

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^^^Well that is just a name, does not say much about his character, other than he has a love affair with... never mind


Loooooooooool & A&T rename. Well then we'll send him to the doc.

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It is not how big your testicles are that matter. As a matter of fact, the manly among us was someone who lost one of the pair due to accident.


They can be such a logistical hazard when doing your best not to allow this earth is depopulated?


Ibti- how do you mean by she? I stopped loving her last week [if you mean her] :D . I heard rumours.

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the manly among us was someone who lost one of the pair due to accident.

I've read the police report after the full investigation that it was stolen by you ,,, :D

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This guy approached me in a Restuarant near to my Job place started conversation as:


New Manager: Yaabka-Yaabkiis, where u from?


Yaabka-Yaabkiis: i am from somalia,

New Manager: sorry.

Yaabka-Yaabkiis: i say Somalia, Somalia , u hear before.


New Manager: yeah, u guys are stateless, poor-minded ppl.

i was wondering if ur population is more larger then chinese population cuz u are at every where.


Yaabka-Yaabkiis: did not know he is new manager of my departmnet, replied: You look like a Gay, i dont like gays, can u go and set another place before i kick ur *** asshole!


New Manager: Yaabka-Yaabkiis, I am Jay ur new Manager of ur department, i wish i will enjoy working with ya.


What the bad day!!

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Originally posted by Yaabka-Yaabkiis:

This guy approached me in a Restuarant near to my Job place started conversation as:


New Manager: Yaabka-Yaabkiis, where u from?


Yaabka-Yaabkiis: i am from somalia,

New Manager: sorry.

Yaabka-Yaabkiis: i say Somalia, Somalia , u hear before.


New Manager: yeah, u guys are stateless, poor-minded ppl.

i was wondering if ur population is more larger then chinese population cuz u are at every where.


Yaabka-Yaabkiis: did not know he is new manager of my departmnet, replied: You look like a Gay, i dont like gays, can u go and set another place before i kick ur *** asshole!


New Manager: Yaabka-Yaabkiis, I am Jay ur new Manager of ur department, i wish i will enjoy working with ya.


What the bad day!!

Loooooooooooooool HAHAHA hehehe, loooooooool, sorry to hear so dear. HAHA better look for a new job or start kissing as*S. But then again, he feels sorry for you, so he might just allow you.

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JB here is something you may not know. I just across in my research that Somaliland considered being called the Republic of Somalistan, in solidarity with dozen other muslim societies or the Republic of Northern Somalia (as in the case Turkish republic of Northern Cyprus) :D lol

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