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^^^Did you text Ibti those Swahili words.She is whooping in fear maybe suspecting it is me that texted her...

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I've got a text stalker. He/she keeps sending me duca written in Arabic. I hate people who do that.

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^^^^Why, it is nice. They remind you to make dua and remember Allah. I would not mind one of those. Rather than the usual "Hi, I saw u 2day, myb nxt time i say hello" icon_razz.gif:D

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^^ :D


Your testimony does not count, Ibtisam. You are, after all, what Somalis would refer to as 'qac'.

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Ngonge, Somali people would not refer to me as "Qac", idiga aya qac iyo baaf baa aah. Baax. I hope you get a stalker who txts you whole chapters of the Quran inshallah, shidanka kaa riidaa. Amen, Allahow Ameen. :D


CL I doubt it, he is Waadad. :D

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usitie shaka ilikuwa episode
ya candy eye only..

Priceless. :D:D


(I'm laughing at something else. I don't understand the gurgling at the start).

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I am Somali,African therefore free of that kind of consciousness smile.gif . It's creamy and tasty, who cares what black folks like? This is UK, we dont discriminate against tasty cookies.

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^^^ :D lol


I'm on shut down mode. Suddenly feel so sleepy. that is the trouble with waking early, you shut down early evening :(

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