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Ms DD   



If he bought lingerie, karbaash baan u qaadan lahaa. What kinda lady did he think i was?

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very smart guy... He knowns what he was after...dirac iyo perfume...what is next.. can you wear that nice direc so I can see how it fits you, while you at it, wear that perfume too so I can smell it...


ma adoo la joogaad tiri waa imisadiii muxuu saacada kuugu keenay?

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Paragon, the Af-somali police! icon_razz.gif



LOL@Ducaysane,it sounds like thats how you do your thing. :eek:


Hello CL.. smile.gif


Hello Geel-jire,or Xarbi[geeljire suited you much better] smile.gif

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I know you ladies will be peeved with my words (if you haven't already).I like the Diraac baaati.Is it always the old diraac that becomes baati , or you guys buy it separately?I can accept the answer even with a mild reprimand for watching your clothings closely :D

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What implications? The man in question if you ask me needs some serious schooling in the art of gift giving. Diraac and perfume, how dare he What a cheapskate.


Ng- tumhara laddhu nahi hu.


FYI- not everything male is offensive to mwah!

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