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Troll Corner

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Well,the am sick as a dog attitude has earned me the afternoon off work..Whoaa!, now I can catch up with soap opera's and SOL with clear conscious.. :D


LOL,OZ dont worry am wearing a mask! icon_razz.gif

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Now that JB is in full action I don't have to safe this corner, with its sicking pleading look, every other day when it sinks to the bottom.I don't have to shove a fistful of magnets down this baby's diapers everytime


Morning trolls....

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Ms DD   

I have a question:


If you accept a gift from someone, what does it imply to that person?

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^^ It was an open goal. :D



Depends on the person giving you the gift really. Was it male and was he making eyes at you? ;)

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Ms DD   

Been out of the game for a while. Dont know what is what.



Are somali blokes in Somalia that naive or iinocent? I think I might give somalia a visit now.

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Sabax Kheyr Stoic!


Ms DD, it all depends with whom the gift is from..


Now do tell, if its a female or a male.If its a male is he a relative or a potential

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MS DD never accept a gift frm a guy... unless you are related to them or there is something wrong with them icon_razz.gif


Depends on why they gave you the gift and how they gave it and your relationship with them.

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Don't listen to Ibti, Ms DD. Accept all the gift you can get. They're free and they don't oblige you in anyway.

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If I’m a guy who has an interest in you and you accept my gift then upon your acceptance of my gift I expect a satisfactory result.I might stammer evasively, but I’ll have this unfolding picture of how things will turn out for the line of communication is open now. This acceptance will give me a clue, or a track of control on the way!

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Ms DD   

yaahuuu stoic!


That is what I am afraid of. Besides, in my mind, I always think that human beings want something in return for their troubles.

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