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Troll Corner

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^^ Lucky you. I'm going to do what I do everyday, nestle my head under some fat barees cun's (I have to use this term just in case Ibtisam is reading) armpits. :D

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Stoic,I see.I know what you meant i was just annoying ya. I'm Buuxo we probably havent come across either, thanx for the wlc.


LILy, thanks dear, will do my best to enjoy freezing Luuq. ;)

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Troll section is live & kikin today .... happy independence day dhamaan.


now i have volunteered to supervise somali kids for a an all day july 1st event .... i know im going to come back with a big headache tonight damn I hate kids !

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Lily, detective aad tahay.Ibti ha ii sheegin ,inyar aan dhibaaya.then again that ones somali is soo guud she'll figure it.


I remebered to say 'pinch n punch for the 1st day of the month' but forgot it was somali indepence..opps..Happy once-INdepence day everybody.


Geelka, Lool dirac hore wu igu duugey ,hence the new one.does fit? I like old names, i have an old soul i guess. :D Canbaro no but i might borrow Mako one day.

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Originally posted by Cabdiyo Cabdi:

^Good to hear. sheekadaa ma aqaan ee iisheeg.

^ adiguna sidee tahay ? ...I know it is an actual street corner in north muqdisho but anigaba sheekda iiga maqantahay it got is blessed name :D



im out have a nice day trollers !

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Originally posted by Ducaysane:

Miyaad ka kaluumaysan lahayd?

No, that's what Captain Kaluun is for. LOL.


To walk by, didn't you get the hint??

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