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Troll Corner

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I don't think i'm going anywhere ... will be hanging around the same old places in the city besides attending some events like my friend's engagement and so on.


Wanted to go to Borama and Berbera but i can go on foot ...... :D

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Allegedly, there are 2122 guests viewing this site. Do you think if I started a thread asking all the lurkers to come out to play and supplied them with an anonymous e-mail address so that I can intercede on their behalf with the powers that be, the lion abuser would delete it?


In other words, if you trolls don't up your game, we can easily replace you. :D

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Ngonge, while you are it can you ask all those "silent readers" why is the silver bullet beer relatively cheap and a good one?


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^^^Warya why you keep posting the same time as I do.This is the second time you confused me :confused:

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Its a Coors beer that white kids love....I have heard it from student, and I wanted to know the magic behind it......

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