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Troll Corner

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^LOL. Too lazy to search for the dessert.


Ngonge, that's atrocious, but it did lead me to a fantastic collection I'd forgotten about, so you're forgiven.


Man, and I thought Kipling stank.

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It fit when I bought it 6 weeks ago, I don’t understand how a person can grow shorter.


I’m good love, just trying to find the motivation to work.


Are you free to enjoy the weather or office bound Ibti?


Hello CL

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I'm free Lily, so free I cannot believe it icon_razz.gif


Maybe you was wearing heels last time? :confused: or you've lost weigh.


Hey JB and CL, what's popping?

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Popping? Ibtii stop hanging with those ciyaal in bus number 25.


Lily- heels darling heels.


p.s I am so excited, I cannot hide it…..aah London jewellery week is starting tomorrow. Let me start sneezing and coughing, Sicky day hear I come.

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