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^LOL..Indeed,there need to be some sort of intervention before I find my self declaring all sort of things.. redface.gif:D


Thanks,Macaalin Isseh! icon_razz.gif but you did get my drift yaa? :D


Folks,see ya all around!

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Okay I'm off to the park people. So enjoy the rest of your dany inshallah. Even if you are stuck behind a desk like CL :D

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Originally posted by Ibtisam:


Adgia I worry about you. You have been showing worrying stalker characteristics, particularly in relation to Ngonge.

Leave her alone, woman. :mad:


Malika, stalk away darling. But the minute you move to London the deal is off. :D

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Or, faced with truth, still hold fast to your lies,

Or, while you’re hard at work decapitating,

Show no trace of pity in your eyes:

If you can teach your kids the “victim” story,

Stir Muslim losers trapped in English slums,

Fill youthful heads with crackpot dreams of glory,

And urge them on to fiery martyrdoms;

If you can use religion as a cover

For deeds no man could pardon or excuse,

Or claim that all the ills we humans suffer

Are machinations of the evil Jews:

If you can use the fruits of Western science

(A science that your culture cannot match)

To broadcast all your hatred and defiance,

Or carry out your crimes with more dispatch;

If you can put aside sectarian violence,

Co-operate with Shi’ites from Iran,

Unite Islam; intimidate to silence

All Muslims who won’t sign up to your plan:

If you can fly a plane into a building

Filled with harmless folk you’ve never seen,

Or seize a school that’s full of little children

And murder them when rescuers break in;

If you can fill each precious living minute

With sixty seconds’ worth of evil done,

Yours is heaven, and all the virgins in it,

And then you’ll be a real jihadi, son!


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Stepped out of the office only to be confronted with cameras and a whole entourage led by the Project Director. I'm going to look out for tomorrow's business pages :cool:

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