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Waar niyow arladu waa iska roobban tahay ,,,neecawduna way ka dhacaysaa ,, shaahna waa la fuuqayaa ,,, dhulkuna naq waa leeyahay ,,

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I specifically but the tickets in a safe place thinking I would remember where and guess what? I cant remember where. They have emailed copies to me but my not remembering is a tad concerning.

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This week, I have been mostly listening to this:



سوك كنك مادريت وبوسني

وسوها ثاني على انك تعتذر

وقول اسف ما انتبهت وضمني

والعذر مقبول ولك مني الشكر

وكرر الغلطه معاي وخلني

انتظر عذرك بكل فارغ صبر

جيبني ثم زدني ثم جيبني

من حدود الشمس لحدود القمر

وين ماتبغا فديتك ودني

خادمك ياسيدي تحت الامر

وهد حيلي بالغرام وهدني

والله اني ناذر لحبك نذر

تكفا بعثرني شظايا ولمني

في كفوفك ياعبد كل البشر

ورح اسوي كني دخت وضمني

راح اقول امزح وابوسك واعتذر


Xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaax :D

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Buuxo, waxaas oo cambuulo ah iska kala daa hadaanad bun iyo daango helaynin ,, :D



North, and where is your other half bal ?? ,, she shouldn't let you handle this mar hadaad sidaa tahay ,,, :D

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^^LoL, tell me about it. They did email the tickets to me today.


Now the to-do has been reduced,,,,,not by much though

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

This week, I have been mostly listening to this:



سوك كنك مادريت وبوسني

وسوها ثاني على انك تعتذر

وقول اسف ما انتبهت وضمني

والعذر مقبول ولك مني الشكر

وكرر الغلطه معاي وخلني

انتظر عذرك بكل فارغ صبر

جيبني ثم زدني ثم جيبني

من حدود الشمس لحدود القمر

وين ماتبغا فديتك ودني

خادمك ياسيدي تحت الامر

وهد حيلي بالغرام وهدني

والله اني ناذر لحبك نذر

تكفا بعثرني شظايا ولمني

في كفوفك ياعبد كل البشر

ورح اسوي كني دخت وضمني

راح اقول امزح وابوسك واعتذر



Bal af soomaali inoogu micnee saxib :D

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ربما لماء يروب

ربما الشيطان يتوب

ربما الشمس تطلع من الغروب

لكن حكام العرب أبدا ما يكفو عن دم الشعوب



I like this guy ,,, i'm currently reading his poems ,,,,, no wonder he is banned from the Arab countries ,,,

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^^ :D

He's a bit hardcore isn't he?


أنا لا أدعو

...إلى غير السراط المستقيم

أنا لا أهجو

…سوى كل عُتلٍ و زنيم

و أنا أرفض أن

تصبح أرض الله غابة

و أرى فيها العصابة

تتمطى وسط جنات النعيم

...و ضعاف الخلق في قعر الجحيم

هكذا أبدع فنّي

غير أني

كلما أطلقت حرفاً

...أطلق الوالي كلابه

آه لو لم يحفظ الله كتابه

لتولته الرقابة

و محت كلّ كلامٍ

…يغضب الوالي الرجيم

و لأمسى مجمل الذكر الحكيم

…خمسُ كلماتٍ

كما يسمح قانون الكتابة


(قرآن كريم...صدق الله العظيم)


Is he talking about our legendary leader? :D


(Sorry people).

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looooool@Ngonge ,, yes he is a big hardcore that is why he is there ,,, :D


North, stop waving the food in front of the hungry people ,,, :D

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In summary north, in that last poem, the poet says:


I don’t call for nothing more than the Siraat al mostaqeem.

I don’t criticise anyone other than the dictators and oppressors

I refuse to accept that Allah’s Earth is turned into a Jungle

Where the gang are living it large whilst the poor are living in hell.


This is my art but every time I utter a single letter

The ruler lets loose his dogs!

If Allah didn’t protect his own book, censorship would have got hold of it

And would have erased everything that upset the ruler

And the sum total of what will be left would be merely five words:


Quran Kareem..Sadaqa Allah Alcadeem. :D





The first poem I posted has nothing at all to do with such a serious poet though. After all, it starts with the words:


Pretend it was unintentional and kiss me

Do it again in apology

Say sorry once more and hold me tight

Your excuses are accepted with many thanks


Repeat the lapse with me

And leave me panting for more apologies

Send me, then bring me, then send me again

From the ends of the sun to the corners of the moon

Lead me to wherever you desire

I'm your slave, sir and under your orders


Tire my body with your love, and tire me

For you I swore eternal submission

Scatter me like shrapnel then assemble me back (in your hands)

And I'll pretend that I'm fainting so that you hold me

Then I'll pretend that I'm joking and kiss you back in apology....




JB's one says:



Maybe water will rot

Maybe Satan will repent

Maybe the Sun will rise from the West

But Arab leaders will never repent their sins against their own people.

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