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Troll Corner

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North, you're gonna be a busy man, innit? Wedding on Saturday, showing around the white guy on the Sunday.....You're lucky then that it's a long weekend cuz you're just not gonna be able to sit down. And this is supposed to be a vacation LOL :D

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^Always have been but I usually get with the programme at the 11th hour..and then only if my team makes it to the finals. ;)



Unlike those silly people who eat, breath, talk, walk and dream football 24/7 ..even in the summer. :Dicon_razz.gif



How's revision going?

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Lool careful there dear, we don't want you insulting certain football fans. :D


Erm hmmm Revision... I knew I was forgetting something....


*Runs off..


ALhumdulah, I have my first exam 2morrow evening, It is one of those strange ones, not really sure how revision is going till I see the exam paper. If the words in the question seem familiar, then my revision went well. :D

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I use to like soccer not anymore though smile.gif


North congratz to your cousin, bt how come u didnt know it til now...thats a short my family we usually have months before a wedding takes place so we can prepare n organize...i guess for guys its different..they just show up icon_razz.gif ...


between good luck with ur exam ibti..allah macak!

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