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I had a bit of a bad dream last night. I dreamt that my wife had killed someone with the back of her shoe. She hit them on the head and the entire heel got stuck there. He stumbled out into the street with blood pouring out of his head and the shoe still dangling there. He fell into a gully! I was there and not there. She told me about the dead man with a shoe in his head. I told her we should phone the police, she said she was scared. I suggested we run away, she still said she was scared. I felt guilty about wanting to run away and told her I'll report this crime to the police but say I'm the one who killed the man in the gully.


My breathing must have got very loud at this point, because my wife woke me up and asked me if I was ok. I was very irritated and didn't reply.


After coming out of the toilet and calming down a little, I decided to tell her about the nightmare. I told her I was irritated because she woke me up before I could find out why she killed the man in the gully. In fact, I'm still annoyed about that. She on the other hand went to work all happy and thinks it was a great dream! No, not because she's a murderer. But because I volunteered, IN A DREAM, to take the punishment for a crime she committed.


When I get home tonight I'm going to ask her if she was having an affair with the man in the gully.



I'm boycotting the site for now. My hoyo told me to concentrate on my future. :D

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When I get home tonight I'm going to ask her if she was having an affair with the man in the gully.


hahahahahaha ,, :D:D:D



Allah yakhrib baytak miyaan ku idhaahdaa ,,, :D

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Ngonge,Dont you dare boy-cot the site,who will make me laugh!!....LOL@She on the other hand went to work all happy and thinks it was a great dream! No, not because she's a murderer. But because I volunteered, IN A DREAM, to take the punishment for a crime she committed. :D:D

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