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Troll Corner

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MAYDAY! MAYDAY! We've got someone writing in Somali here, someone call a turjuban quick. :D


(Or is it a turjuman?)

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*Waves @Ngonge Hello, when are you back??


P.s. you were already dark as a diggis icon_razz.gif , stop lying to people. :D


P.s.s. Yaabka, no somali in troll.


Serenity, :D do some work then, no trolling.

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^^ Haha! I had a full week of not thinking of work at all. I wonder if things are ok there. Thanks for spoiling the rest of my day, Serenity. I better go have a nap now. Xaaaax, this is the life ya sheek. :D





Glad to hear you're not a smelly student anymore. Pray for the rest. I shall be here for another week, though I don't mind not coming back at all to be honest.



If you ever come here, don't visit North. That guy is no good. He's the worst kind of host. He keeps tricking me and paying for everything. :(

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^^^Are you complaining that he is saving you money?? In any case it is his home town, so he pays. When he comes to london you will lose all your money paying for him in this expensive city! don't worry you'll get your time to play host. So just say thanks you tight farah.


Sadly I can't visit my duumaashi, my family will have a fit :D


Lool @ smelly student :rolleyes: I have to wear a suit to work would you believe! :mad: start on monday.

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^^ It's not the english way, m'dear :D


What's all this about 'dummaashi'? What about my brother? I already gave him your details and he promised to hunt you down (silly boy doesn't want an introduction, he says it's too indian and arranged)!



Val, just go as yourself. For the type of people organising that party you're probably already in fancy dress, dear. icon_razz.gif

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^^^You use to be Arab, try to remember the feeling. All else fails try to be somali! forget english for a bit :D


-Will you forget your damn brother for a minute, issh, arranged internet marriage, the world is ending! :rolleyes: Anyway I was talking about another link, maybe the word is "Seedi" then. :D

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Hi Ibti. Congratulations on getting out into the real world. Good luck on Monday.


Serenity, what has this job DONE to you!? You used to be more like Ngonge, strictly Mon-Fri, 9:05 AM-4:55 PM with 1 hour lunch and three 15 minute breaks to "gather your thoughts". The rest of the time trolling on SOL, of course.


How can people like me slog away if we can't take comfort in knowing someone out there is enjoying their life outside of work? :(

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"Alam dheh alam gariir dheh "..something something.aah memories. smile.gif


Ibti..congrats dear! i can hardly wait to finish meself.


Wow, Ngonge is on a vacation? something isn't right, waa la so tarxiilaya right? :D

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