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CL: Make up your mind. Your my role model for reaching 40, single and successful and happy I have no intention of ever fixing you up with anyone. In fact I'm make it your business to scare they off!!


Malika: I did the proposal, well the skeleton anyway. I become semi depressed that I was defeated by my own mental block, in addition I become dysfunctional at performing simple normal task (i.e. the presentation) I was panicking about everything and doubt myself all of sudden, so I thought for my own piece of mind, it is a challenge I must take. Avoidance was never my strong point anyway! :D

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Ibti...the opportunity of me hooking up with her isn't that promising.I think about it all the time.What if I lived in London would my chances be higher than it is now? I dwell on the thought that another son of a gun has more chances of eloping with her than I do-I would let my own pride and ego drip with pain.I would continue willy-nilly on my own to find a suitable mate this side of the Atlantic.

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Stoic, what happened to the one whose praises was on every thread of SOL. :( or being a typical guy are you already searching for number two. :D


CL if I did not know a secret of yours which goes against everything you stand for on this forum, I would be misleaded into following your cynical ways lady!! :D


*Waves back @ Val* How are you?? smile.gif

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Val..If she knew my online character she would let me go in heart-beat.She Who must be obeyed is a good person-the only thing she is bad at is flirting! Don't get me wrong we both enjoy ourselves together.


PS Good to see you around Val.You are one of my favorite SOL girls. ;)

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Ibti- and you believed it shame on you….(cant believe it wait tell I get my hands on her)



Waves back*


Stoic dear you’re one lucky man believe me ask ibti only a blind mother could possibly love me and that’s pushing it…


*attempting to avoid the wrath of she who must be obeyed*

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good afternoon dhamaantiin ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,



Just out of a 2-days workshop and preparing for another freaking meeting ,,,,,,,, how long ,, i guess forever.


The weekend is just at the corner

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Hi Ibti - I'm very well, thanks. How are you doing?



STOIC - I was not criticising, just teasing. I wouldn't exactly say you have a risque online character, even with your flirting! LoL, in fact if I had a son, I would like him to be very much like my impression of you; Polite, articulate, studious and slightly shy/awkward.


CL - :cool:

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CL: You've lost me there! lol :D you jumped about something else, which you are feeling paranoid about... I on the other hand was merely referring to the FACT that you are not as cynical as your like us to believe, and I know this because of something you wrote on another thread. A momentary slip and while back icon_razz.gif


I just got a facebook request from this gorgeous guy who was the football captain in secondary school. He still looks good…but on going thorough his photos, before accepting his friends request, he is married….to a MAN. Oh lord, what a waste.


JB Good Luck smile.gif


Val alhumdulilah. smile.gif

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Ibti- bless you can finally give up of the dream you had of you and him… for the rest woman stop ruining a fine reputation I have build for myself….


Val- stop spoiling the boy with such comments I don’t think his puny head can take such flattery

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The office boy asked where I was from. I told him. He said he thought I was Indian :confused: from Karala to be precise!

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^^bad bad I'm not! :D


He from Nepal


How anyone could say I look Indian is beyond me. I had a thick afro only last week!

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