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Troll Corner

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^^^ARe you okay??? You've posted this before already dee! lol. Are you just wanted to make sure I got the point!. I did...never talk to "helpers" lol.

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^^^No as in what could there be possible to see. lol. I'm off now so have a good weekend peeps. Keep save, and CL remember a smile is charity :D



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I told you 200 years ago ,, this troll corner is not working without Ibtisam and CL ,



Now we can all see the proof ,,,,



Have a nice weekend yall ,

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If he is a little kid, I’ll often chat with them, what you doing, your future plans, what do you wish to achieve etc, how will you get there. Obviously it depends on how much time you have and the situation.

lol Ibti I did that once, this young guy he was abt 18 or something started hitting on me. So I asked him abt what his school plans was, whether he graduated yet. And, he was like oh am taking time off am going back to school. And, I started preaching him telling him abt how school is important if you wanna build a good future and all that. The guy lasted about 10 minutes lol, he found me boring so yeh preach young bois and they would leave you alone most of the times. As for the men greating them is fine, no harm in if you see they are hitting on you tell them you are not interested, if they still insist tell them "walaal xaas baan ahay with 5 kids" hehehe works ;)

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^ Where is that? Hargaisa? Do you truly live in Somalia?


Good morning to you too....and it is not beautiful in here, it is another darn cold day smile.gif


hopefully, two more weeks till spring...


wa salaam.

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Yeah ,, it is the dusty Hargeisa ,, :D



It is so cold here too during the evening but the problem is that i'm damn hungry .... skipped the lunch today.

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