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Am not yet a pensioner, but I have a feeling you will be making the mandatory Monday stop at the post office way before me… :D:D:D



Ps seriously though where are the months running too? I mean I fill like you age faster in western countries than anywhere else….4yrs of your life you will be spending it commuting in and out of work that’s 4yrs….anyway do you share that predicament old man or are you happy feeding the ducks!

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I try not to depress myself with such cynical thoughts. ;)


The sun'll come out tomorrow

bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow

they'll be sun

just thinking about tomorrow

cleares away the cobwebs and the sorow

'till their none

when i'm stuck with a day that's gray and lonely

i just think of my chin and grin and say oh



the sun'll come out tomorrow

so you gotta hang until tomorrow

come what may

tomorrow tomorrow i love ya tomorrow

your always a day away


when i'm stuck with a day that's gray and lonely

i just think of my chin and grin and say oh



the sun'll come out tomorrow

so you gotta hang until tomorrow

come what may

tomorrow tomorrow i love ya tomorrow

your always a day away

tomorrow tomorrow i love ya tomorrow

your always a day away

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I have been texting a friend of mine who tells me that not only is he likely to get married soon but he wants to marry two within the same year!!

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“I try not to depress myself with such cynical thoughts” baah am just realist unlike you self delusional old man, tomorrow is the same as today nothing different same ol shit if you ask me (lol am way to cynic)


ps I just had a mental Image of an old Somali man (you) running around singing:


The hills are alive with the sound of music

With songs they have sung for a thousand years

The hills fill my heart with the sound of music

My heart wants to sing every song it hears

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“have been texting a friend of mine who tells me that not only is he likely to get married soon but he wants to marry two within the same year!!”


Seriously! What the hell is wrong with youth today you will think they will be more wiser in knowing that 2wives idea is a NO NO but nah they think with there /ego without weighting the ramifications of there acts towards there potential kids/first wife


PS Cadaan shame on you- think big kulaha

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CL, life is hectic, you just have to rise earlier & sleep later. Prioritise and drop the unnecessary. Do more during the week after work, do not squeese your life into the weekend & have the odd days and weekends where you do nothing ( I kow its contradicting).

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^^did you see the pictures?


North: lol What did you tell him??


CL life is hectic, time goes fast when you are chasing your tail.

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Lily-that’s easier said than done dear, to much to do in short space of time, months are outpacing me…


Ps e.g. I have mistakenly/intentionally am not sure agreed to meet up with 4different people on Friday after work now that’s going to be achieving the impossible...


Ibti-wash your mouth with detol, me chasing my tail….btw a fine tail my just add**

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^^^Introduce them and you can see all of them :D That always works for me.


Lool naag waalan, everyone is chasing their tail dear.

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^How is she to introduce 4 [possible]erm..people and expect them to get along..Lol[CL natania!]


CL,the signs of the times my dear,time goes so fast..

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^^If they like her enough they will get along, she might even find out if they have a competitive edge, are rude, impolite or jealous beyond repair! Lol it should save her sometime if nothing else. Lol. I Was talking about Friends thought...not too sure if it would work with "[possibility breed]

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