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Do you share a sacred relationship with your dentist? Just found out my regular dentist is on holiday/ i was informed that there is a new dentist he can see me today. I asked when is my regular jack coming back/the woman informed me in 3weeks time…I love my dentist but that’s way to long so I asked who this new guy/she goes ohh you will like him he is Somali also…don’t get me wrong I was like ohh bless a Somali dentist bless him, then it dawn on me what the hell a Somali man attending to my mouth. I know this is irrational but I could not help myself … I said NO I can’t explain it but HELL NO….people are telling me now that am demented but am I, has anyone been to a Somali dentist before? If yes how was it…?



Ps as for me I guess the emergency dentist at the hospital will just have to do this time even though I will have to wait for 4hrs just to be seen, I guess that’s the price I have to pay for irrational decision dam it all!

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come on ,, you can't be serious here ,,, what is wrong with the Somali dentists bal ??


Well, here it is full of Somali dentists :D and i'm telling you they are really reallly good. I think it was 3 weeks ago when i attended one and he was a real professional.

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They are cool, at least the one i had between 1998/9. He always let me take more than one toy from the box while the dutch one would be like nee meneertje je mag alleen 1 - no mister your only allowed 1..



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Sheerap both of you, JB you have no option your in Somalia/you’re a man… I don’t want to pull the sex card but hell the idea of it all. Setting on the chair, open your mouth ohh I want my normal jack back I can’t handle the idea of Somali man fiddling with my mouth I just can’t. If that’s makes me wet behind the ears so be it (but I still think am not)


Ps am not judging his competency/if his professional or not am sure he is, hell I didn’t even give him a try I hang up the phone saying book me the first available appointment with my regular man.


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this is interesting, i think deep down you have something against Nimanka Somaalida, cause this is either pure animosity or brutal attraction for yours truly and his male compatriots worldwide

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A gay dentist once extracted a wisdom tooth from me and to this day when i ever i recall that moment i get goose bumps. I wouldn't visit his practice had i known about him but just found out after i was seated on the operation chair and by then i was getting gagged by his assistant. The whole ordeal lasted about 3 minutes or so and by the time they were done i was out like a lighting rode. Receptionist lady was like what happen and i was like here is the money mom and keep the receipt.

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Noooh @Adam, I don’t have anything against somaalida and I am not harbouring some attraction neither. I simply could not go through the ordeal, I know I make no sense but Its just is… you see peasant is scared for life by the looks of it just cause his dentist was gay/I don’t want to be traumatized I guess LOL smile.gif

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^^ You're both wet behind the ears and very fussy. He's a man doing a job like anyone else and it's quite sad that you think about it in such a way. Sad I tell ya, sad.

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I had a Somali dentist just outside London who gave me a good discount. 20 Quid for a full check up!


My wisdom tooth has finally broken through!

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NG- its called personal view, i am sure you will enjoy having a Somali woman attack your mouth with metal instrument, I for one rather have anyone else I don’t care about gender or race just not Somali man woman yes (the idea traumatized me) how is that sad I wonder?


Norf- £20 I will gladly give it back so I can run out of the place….


Ps I would love to get a females opinion on this I guess

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