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LOL @ Ngonge. Well, we don't want our stock to go down you see, we want to maintain the illusion that it's a seller's market. Oops, are we back to talking about commodities?

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Originally posted by Ibtisam:

And I though only that women were manipulative, check out Ngonge manipulating our words left and right.

You're an insult to womenfolk. I am not going to play along, sexist.


Cara, at least you admit it. Good on you.

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Ms DD   

WOnders never cease. Ngone being passionate about something. Nevertheless, I also forsee non-compatible men for ibti and CL.

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^^ Stop spreading this rumour about me not being passionate about things. There is passionate and there is frothing at the mouth mental. People sometimes confuse the two. I don't.


I agree. I doubt there will be any compatible men for these ladies at said event. Our ladies are still wet behind the ears and image conscious.


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Lily, the whole point of staying awake is to eat chocolate, so go ahead or take a nap.




Ngonge, you might have overshot a little here then. You've scared Ibti, and even cool as cucumber Lily is trying to divert your attention.

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I dont know what you're talking about.


I would go just to see what its about and have fun but:


1) I'm shy

2) I dont flourish in such closed environments

3) I'm really really shy

4) I know you really dont want me to go because you have a crush on me icon_razz.gif [Ha @ your comment below]

5) I'm honest to GOD shy... very shy!




So there you go!

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^^ Number four was more than enough. :D



It is almost five now and I don't need to wind you girls up anymore.


** Ducks out of thread **

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Got it ,,, just got it ,,,, yeah ,, i've been waiting for this since long time.


The DSL connection ,,, the first in Somaliland ,, now i know i'm lucky.



No more useless wireless conncections ,,,, that is a history now.

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