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I am only trying to show you how daft your arguments are. If you said you don't feel like going because it is not your cup of tea, I'd understand. But you, Serenity and Ibtisam are trying to belittle the event in order to justify your reasons for not wanting to go. Cara's sarcasm is even worse (then again, she could be innocent and really believes a wadaad would be sitting next to her and monitor every word she says).


Don't take it to heart but there is not one little brave girl amongst you all. icon_razz.gif

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^^^^Lool, I've never claimed to be brave or experimental. Nor I'm belittling the event... I just know it won't work.


P.s. I am not going, because it clearly states on the leaflet that is for serious people who intent to get married. I'm neither serious, nor do I have the intention to marry about who I may meet at that event. I thought that was reason enough...


Cara I like you shike idea! Loool hahah. Not sure about hanging around and asking all those questions about warranties, and return policies. :D

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^^ YES.



No you're not brave. If you were, you would at least admit that you were belittling the event, Miss Commodities!

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Cara- the chaperone is a sheik how so sweet…actually I don’t trust sheiks seriously I find they are the worse offenders, I am sure they will be shukansing you whist chaperoning…


Ibti-you can borrow my indho-sharer and attend the event dear what say you?



NG-are you saying we are gutless?

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^^^I said that is how I would feel. Nothing to do with the event itself. :rolleyes: The event is good if both party involved takes it seriously and hopes to get somewhere with it.



Loool CL, I have one of my own! lol.

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Ng-I take no offence, the targeted audience for this event I assure you are the wadaad crew, look how they marketed the event it’s plastered in all mosques. Now unless you want to marry a wadaad/or want to get married for the matter why attend eeh? Ng I believe some of the girls are doing the event a favour by staying away and letting the serious folks continue with the hunting game/with sheik on stand by….

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Ps I believe there is Costa café @Birbeck university entrance, good place to sit and while wearing the indho-sharer,/watching the parade…..dont fgt to report back.


ibti he is welling to drive you there

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Ngonge, how do you say "not my cup of tea" without "justifying your reasons for not wanting to go"? If the reasons given are belittling the event, then that's the way the cookie crumbles dear.


And give it up, Ibti hasn't fallen for the "if you were brave you would climb this tree all the way to the top and then jump down!" since she was 17.

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That's not what your wrods say, ladies. Read what you wrote again Cara and stop being stubborn.


You're cowards, the lot of you. You would love to go but are scared of what people might think. Shame really. Shame.

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^^^^loool^. I think you are seeing things, how about you reread it!! lol We are not going because the event is not worthwhile as we deem it will fail, nor are we looking or serious enough to qualify. People are suppose to go willingly Ngonge, not be dragged there kicking and screaming! Lol


You know by re-justifying my reasons I feel like I’m making excuses, so I’m going to stop right here. :D

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I did and I'm seeing lots of belittling and ridicule. You ladies are above these desperate measures such as Speed Dating and what not. You're making sure the whole world knows about it. Ah, for shame! :D

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