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^^ lol hell no, but I still love wearing high gota problem w/ that? who said high heels are only for short ppl icon_razz.gif


by the way, I have a question I heard religiously speaking high heels are haraam? anyone knows anything abt that? this sister told me and kept saying how am trying to change myself, and how high heels are making me walk in a certain way (like am looking for attention or something go figure)? who has a daliil ?

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^^ With a name like yours, I really think it is a waste of time to tell us what a shit day you're having. Only talk about good days, CL :D


Haha! I just noticed something. You can say shit on this forum! You can't say S tupid but you can say shit?



Aaliyah, it's probably haram if you're wearing a sexy little skirt with it and are showing your shaved legs. Other than that, there is no reason for SHOES to fall into the halaal and haram argument.



(You are short, aren't you?) :D ..don't worry, you're still young and growing. It's not over yet. I bet you still have another half an inch to grow yet.

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^^^Something wrong with short?? :rolleyes: you make short sound like a cursed disease.


AAliyah...depends on how religious you are.... the argument goes something like this:


1) You are distorting your looks, i.e. you are misleading people into thinking you are taller than you actually are.


2) They draw attention to you by the sound they make, which makes heads turn (with the expectation that they will see a nice per of legs, even clawed in a long garment)


3) On the day of judgement, the ground will complain about you.


4) The encourage you to do your *ahem* sexy little walk.



CL, better days to come smile.gif

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^^ Will you stop with all these name changes, woman.


Anyway, nothing is wrong with being short. Some of the best people I know are short. :D

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There are no bloody good days that is until May-Oct until then am afraid its all shit, Ng shit is a verb so it’s allowed if you ask me lol



*Can’t believe that people are considering whether high heels are xalaal or xaraam mhhh, high heels are mandatory…end of story


Ibti- am waiting

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^^^keep waiting.


Ngonge, this is the original, back to basics. Keep up! :D


Oh and yes I agree, some of the best people are short!

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Dubai is said to currently have 15-25% of all the world's cranes.

when will they get over the building frenzy?


now I would like to get some pic but SOL is being so difficult! :mad:

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