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More like annoying, Issh it is bugging me now! and I'm scared of bumping into him, I might have to change my route home. For sure I won't be falling asleep anywhere after this! redface.gif

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No, only 35mins (unless we just sit in the tunnel (which happens often) but if I get a seat, I have to read something to stay awake, otherwise I'm sleeping in minutes! (but most of the time I don’t want to read anymore) :D Lol

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Heh. Silly mare. Sounds like you pulled but were too sleepy to notice.


Incidentally, I recently realised that I was on nodding terms with half of the people on my carriage. I am sure they're all mad.

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^^^Why because he let me sleep on his shoulder, more like he was trying to get rid of me, when he realised I'm more heavey then he thought and his shoulder started going dead! Hehe


Lool @ nodding terms, yeah for those people that you always see at a certain time, day in, day out. Smile at them Ngonge, they won't eat you! bloody londoner.. it does not hurt to smile.

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^^^Seriously I often smile at people, and sometimes people stop because they thinking you are going to ask them something! once this women even took off her headphones.


I have not been outside of London long enough to comment on other places but Londoners are not the most friendly people around.

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^They scare a small town woman like myself,especially the Jamaicans[i know am stereotyping here],they seem much more aggressive.

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^^^careful dear, look left & right!



The loud ones are the nicest, be ware of the deadly silent once. You will never run into a loud bubbly killer. :D


Personally I like Jamaicans, I grew up around them, so they don’t intimidate me, pluz they are nice people and they speaking their mind which is refreshing.

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Maanta waa Jimce bishu tahay November, maalintu 30...Nacnac levelskeygu waa above normal ee xagee tolow ku seeydhiyaa...?

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^^you mean when its grilled?


I was in a sports shop over the weekend and decided to do a few kick ups with a football only to knock over a display. Clanger! The whole shop stood still for a few seconds redface.gif I blame my sandles :D

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