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that is why i'm saying welcome back ,,,, you were away from SOL



more assignements are here for me to finish in a very lil time ,,,,,, still thinking confused.

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Originally posted by -Serenity-:

I want Jacaylbaro and Xanthus banned from my thread. :mad:

Yeah ,,you better do that now ,,,,,,

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^ I would reply if I had the slightest hint about what you just wrote in Somali.


I've never seen someone butcher the Somali language like you do Xanthus (ok, occasionally Stoic used to appall me like that too). Just stop before you kill it for all of us!



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A note for future tourists: don’t trample people on the tube just because you think the train doors will close before you get off, the other 10 people in front of you are also getting off and NO the train doors do not shut on passengers getting off (just those getting on). And, by the way, the left hand side of the escalators is NOT for standing or resting your lazy behind on! Some people need to get on the train that will depart in the next 30 seconds and your huge behind is blocking the way. Thank you.

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Sen, weli waxaan aaminsanahay inaad intaa yar soo amaanaysatay ama ugu yaraan aad soo xadday :D



Bal ku hadal af soomaali aan ku dhegeystee ,,, lool



loooooooooool@Lily ,,,,

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Ye of little faith JB.


I'm no expert on Somali ( icon_razz.gif ), but I can assure you that am at the least, understandable. :D


Lily, and you exclude yourself from that group miya? Adigu afsoomaali la'aan waxaad ku darsataa being vernacular. That counts as twice as bad in my books icon_razz.gificon_razz.gif

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