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^^^Lol^ My friend has one in her car! lool, I always tease her "do you smoke at the traffic lights" lool :D

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Originally posted by Northerner:

Edgware Rd is officially shisha head free.


I wonder what Totti will do now? Retire?

It's not you know ;)

They have them outside I hear. In fact, just for you, and in the name of research, I am going to go outthere right now and confirm if this rumour is true or false (have to go for my lunch anyway). :D

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^^Do you get payments from China for advertising, Hoorta Somaliland China baa kuu waalat.


Ngonge, they have them holiday umbrellas outside, but it is too windy and raining to smoke shisha outside, I saw people struggling!. lol

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No ,, they don't pay me a penny (i wish) ,, but they do miracles and they can manufacture crazy stuff just like your mobile phone :D

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I have returned from my field trip and can confirm that Shiisha is still being smoked on Edgware Road. I went to my regular place and was given two choices:

Smoke outside and pay ten pound (that's four pounds more than usual)

Smoke inside (downstairs and hidden from view) and pay twelve pounds (that's double).


I declined both offers of course. :D

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^^ What about Torres? Waste of money, wouldn't you agree? :D


It's a great shame that Liverpool might be losing Garcia :(

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Alot of money on one player but we need more than one player. It will be sad to see Garcia go. He lost the ball more times than he actualy did something with it. But he scored THAT goal (and it was a goal by the way :D ).


ps Totti got the golden boot, Milan won the CL and Italia are world champions. I can think of one happy East Londoner :D

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I have learned to despise Edgware Road and all things related to it. Especially those awful Lebanese restaurants.


Give me High Street Kensington any day.

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^^ The use of the word 'learned' there indicates that you never left the place. I could just imagine you slumped by a bus stop outside one of those shiisha places (after a long night of smoking) and a stray dog sniffing your hair before he proceeds to 'mark his territory'. :D



Hi by the way smile.gif

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NGonge^^^Lool^^ You nasty old bag! She should sue you for that!


North lol, she did not say she shops there now did she!

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Hi NG :D


I don't smoke but I have gone there to eat loads of times. Lebanese food is terrible (bariis qarax ah and a variety of kebabs are hardly gourmet).


Anywho, now that the ban has come in (regardless of whether one can still smoke there illegally or not), there will be no reason for me to be dragged there by shiisha-mad friends any more.


Something to be happy about.


Norf, yup. HSK is vastly superior to Edg Rd.

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