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Troll Corner

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^^^ Gosh now what have you been taking during your weekend.


P.s. Hello you two, I can't believe Y'll visit this place on sun as well!. lol.


I had a wonderful weekend, I slept, and slept some more and did not leave my house. I think I'm suffering from "~Not liking to leave the house syndrome~" :D


Krispy creme doughnuts are heavenly.., hmmm Took the long way to work so I can get some! :D

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^^we work on Sundays. I cant believe you are visiting on a Monday!


Not leaving the house all wknd? Must have been due to all the rain lol

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^^^Oh I forgot you guys are a bit backwards with your weekend. lool@ visiting Monday!


No Sunday was hot'ish, pluz we are use to the rain!, it rains everyday. I just could not be asked, lol. I needed some quality time with my house I'm starting to freak myself out with these crazy thoughts :D


I wonder what people will do socially now, lol I cannot imagine certain people going to have dinner without Shisha. We shall see the withdrawal symptoms soon. :D

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loooooool@ withdrawal symptoms :D



Well, it is good to stay on bed during the weekends. I sometimes stay in my lil room on my bed for 2 good days ,,, eating on the bed, sleeping or watching a movie with my laptop :D



Believe me that is THE BEST OF ALL ,,,,



YES Xanthus, my week starts on Sundays ,,,, and ends on Thursdays :D ,, it is a crazy world innit ??

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