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Haye, how is everyone?


Had busy weekend with visitors but all is good.


Reer UK are probably still sleeping even though its 11am over there :rolleyes: Alot of Shisha hangovers i think :D



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SUUUUSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ,,, Dadka way hurdaane ha toosin belo kula qaylo waynaataye ,, :D



Shiisha mirqaan bay qaar la hurdaane ,,,, qaarna siday dance u ciyaarayeen muruqyada lugahaa kala go'ay ,,, qaarna siday shopping ugu wareegayeen buu wadnuhu gariiray ,, qaarna ........... ku dar




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Maalin dhowayd baa inan Soomaaliya ka yimi oo Cuntadii wadankan u dhadhami waydey baan kaxeeyey,oo geeyey maqaaxi indoora noo jirta, oo Soomaali leedahay, Hilib geelna lagu karsho, sidii ugu murqaamay weli waa xusuusta, Kaaley Soomaaliya, they dont know about cholestrol, Maxuu kurus isla dhacay!

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loooooooooool ,,, there is no chlestrol in hilib geela niyow ,,,, kuruska hadda ma cuno but isaga ayaan ka jeclaan jiray hilibka few years ago :D



Imikaabad iga marqaamisay niyow ,,,,,,, maqaaxiyihiina hilib geelii waa laga dhamaystay :D

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^^Cholestrol,isnt a term we Somali are familiar with, the more fat on the meat the more delicious it tastes..

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^Waa runtaa Muniro, waxayba ku leeyihiin Hilib geelku ma leh,lol :D



Mida Kale , How are you doing? Xagee ka dhacday? Weli ma iscilaminaysaa? Miyaadan aqal gelin? smile.gif

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