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Troll Corner

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Okay so I am in love with the community I am living in now. Okay to the west Of where I live are the rocky mountains and to the east is the Yukon river.

The population is give or take 2000 people.

And the summer equinox is upon us. Yesterday the sun set at 11:00 pm and each day the days will get longer until we are in eternal sunshine for the summer months ( literally the sun does not set it always looks like it will but never does)


further west is a carbou trail that the Inuit have been following for generations and further west of that is a small community of 500 people of mostly Inuit. And everyone is soo nice like give you their house and kids nice and not be suspicous of you at all.



If I didn't have school keeping me in T.O ...I would relocate in a second.... le sigh

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^^^Where is this place Kreepy Kid~~ & Whats the story with your name??


I need to find a new home (country) Anyone live anywhere that is fabulous!.


We need more of them London Transport police with Dogs to get all those people who don't pay off the bus :mad: They came on half way through my Journey this morning, when people saw them out of the window, everyone run for the door, there was less than 20 of us left on the bus, It was good to have a seat. :D

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Imagine ,,, you come to your office early in the morning ,, at 7:30 to be exact ,,,,, you open your office and suddenly find around 100 DVDs on your table ,,, all about Movies ,,, isn't that JUST NICE ???



Well, it was a gift ,,, but it is crazy to be here at this time :D

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^^^Okay that is still not nice 100DVD's. They want you to have no social live and to become blind! Give it back to them, and tell them you are two busy and don't appreciate the fact that they are assuming you have that much free time in life, Don't they know how short life is?? :D:D Go on tell em that

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I don't think i can do that Xanthus ,,,, they know i'm a movie geec and that is why they trying to help (to harm me of course :D ) ,,,,


I can simply skip sleeping some nights, go home early, cancel some classes, ignore friends/family just to make a space for those movies u know :D ,,,,, believe me, i can make all the excuses i can when it comes to a movie :D

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So why some chew Qaad, you stare at TV screen's. I wonder WHAT exactly you watch that could be so addictive, but something tells me i don't really want to know,....Does hooyo know by the way? Maybe i send to send her a cajaalad :D

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