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Troll Corner

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I can't seem to get Nancy Sinatra out of my head...



I was five and he was six

We rode on horses made of sticks

He wore black and I wore white

He would always win the fight


Bang bang, he shot me down

Bang bang, I hit the ground

Bang bang, that awful sound

Bang bang, my baby shot me down.


Seasons came and changed the time

When I grew up, I called him mine

He would always laugh and say

"Remember when we used to play?"


Bang bang, I shot you down

Bang bang, you hit the ground

Bang bang, that awful sound

Bang bang, I used to shoot you down.


Music played, and people sang

Just for me, the church bells rang.


Now he's gone, I don't know why

And till this day, sometimes I cry

He didn't even say goodbye

He didn't take the time to lie.


Bang bang, he shot me down

Bang bang, I hit the ground

Bang bang, that awful sound

Bang bang, my baby shot me down...

Oh were saying something about cricket? Or was it baseball? :confused:

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I hate that song. Once you hear it, it doesn't get out of your system. RZA made a good choice with Bang Bang as soundtrack of Kill Bill.

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Ah..the troll corner... I almost forgot about it.


Howdy Foxy? Howz work coming along?


I've gone back to the indolent lifestyle that is expected of a student.


Oh how I love freshers and freshmen week. Nothing does wonders for the social spirit than a bit of 'Freshmen gazing'. I sat 3hrs in the centre of my university today and just watched the shy-n-lonesome new comers interact. ah! Bless! Those were the days. :D


You'll all have to excuse me if I'm not trolling anymore... I'm out of the stuck-n-stagnant work schedule. gaehnen.gif

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LOL@Lexus...I didn't know u could get an iPod at 7/11...Anyways,now i wanna be a moderator just to see what they're saying about us in the staff office!!

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I am so bored and will not be sleeping tonight on account of that old no good boomeranging lover Insomnia(he's baaaaack).


May as well get myself a cup of tea and not go to bed until fajr.


Gonna frustrate Insomnia. Bwahahaha.


Anybody wanna troll with me tonight?

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^ [gag]warm milk and honey[/gag]


Warm bath works pretty well though.


I use a simple relaxation technique to overcome insomnia (actually, it's the first part of self-hypnosis). You lie flat on your back, close your eyes and focus, really focus the fingertips of one hand. Everytime your mind wanders, just bring it back to your fingertips. Do this until all you can feel is your finger tips. Now concentrate on your wrists. Work your way up all the way to your face and concentrate on each feature (lips, eyes, forehead). If you are not wonderfully relaxed by now, work on the other arm, your legs, and on and on.


Gets all the kinks out every time.

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^^ Do you count to ten too? Bwahahaha!


I'm a night owl living in a day-time world. Warm milk works wonders for me. I do also stretching like yoga, I don't have to do a whole routine just find a couple good poses like downward facing dog.

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C, that sounds like it needs intense concentration. Seriously, that works?


Ran out of milk. Bathing wakes me up.


I know what I should do: read some Quran. I'll start with listening to some to chill me out.

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