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Why To Spend Your Holidays In Somaliland

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Originally posted by Northerner:

quote:Originally posted by Nephthys:

I take it you meant to say 'waa

Horta kaalay, weligaa waqooyiga ma tagtay? We will welcome you with,,,,,,



Hahaha thanks. I never would've guessed it was caano walahi, until Ibty said so. The red sand looked to me like a door or a wall and the bucket of milk - an eye, a big infected one with baq-baq discharge that's stuck to the key-hole or something. Yeah I know I'm weird like that.. L0L.


Waqooyi waa tagay, I've been to Jabuti :D . Meel ma'aha. Everytime I ventured out of the hotel everybody and their granny was trying to sell me something; il-yar, gambo, jaad, dirac, muus, sakareet. Acudubilah, I doubt hargeysa is any better, ha ii goyso i dhaafsii! Too much pestering.


Unlike Ibty laakin, I have been swimming in the sea there and had a local swim out to me and start pesterring. :mad: .

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Something wrong with your eyes Neph ,,,, something wrong.


Djibouti is not waqooyi ,, bismillaah ,, maxay wax isku qastay ,,, :D

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The red sand looked to me like a door or a wall and the bucket of milk - an eye, a big infected one with baq-baq discharge that's stuck to the key-hole or something. Yeah I know I'm weird like that.. L0L.

Walaalshiish, dakhdarka indhaha abboinment ka sameeso :D


Djabouti??? Thats a different country dear.


The kettle is on for your arrival,,,,



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