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Flowers come in an infinite range of colours. Depending on the flower, the colours can represent different meanings but generally speaking, the colour will signify similar meanings from flower to flower. These meanings are steeped in tradition and their origins go back to very early in some instances.


As an example, red roses signify passion and deep love while yellow roses today mean joy and gladness, at one time they meant diminishing love or infidelity. The following meaning of flower colours is generally accepted to day:





Love, Respect, Passion, Courage





Friendship, Joy, Happiness, Zeal, Jealousy, Try to Care





Perfect happiness, Gentility, Grace, Please believe, Thankfulness, Confidence, Admiration.





Innocence, Purity, Secrecy, Heavenly, Silence




Peach or Coral

Enthusiasm, Desire, Sweetness, Modesty, Joy





Faithfulness, Passion, Hope




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Which one is for the dead people?? I wana take roses to my GF today, and I dont wanna give her a shock. Coz, Its my first time Im giving a rose to a beloved one. Lately, Im bit romantic ;)

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loooooooooooooooooooool ( Qosol awgii lugtaan kor utaagay). Did you hear the story of that "Reer miyyi guy". This guy had a pretty,beautiful wife. And, the wife died. Omg the guy started carrying over the grave of his wife. While carrying, a man asked him. Why dont you stop tearing man. He replied and said. Mmmmmmmmm "Waxay igala dhimatay qurxdiisa ayaanan illaawayn" loooooooool So, who is that guy ;) ?

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I think that guy is YOU ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :D



Now stop crying on da graves and start looking around man ,,,, :D ,,,,,, we've plenty in SOL

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Originally posted by Hunguri:

Tell me one. Waaba iska biya biyaysanayaa. Loool

HAHAHAH Alaylehe Saqajaanimo wey kuu dhantahay!


Orodoo gidaarada isla dhac heedhe hadaad weydo midaad ku biyabiyaysatid!

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HAHAHAH Alaylehe Saqajaanimo wey kuu dhantahay!


Saaxiib :D . Cayda igadaa marka u horraysa. Midda labaad. Waa rag iyo xaalkiise. Waxaynu ka hadlayny waa dumar innaguna rag ayaynu ahayn smile.gif . Laakiin waxaa is waydiin mudan. Laba Xiniiyoodoow maxaad saaxiiboow u jeceshahay Mawduucan "Ammaan Dummar" ???? Tii ammaan ahaydna kaa dhamaatay, walina ma arag wax kuusoo hogta :D . Iskusoo xooriyoo, Inta xusulkeey xabaal ka sarreeyo. Anigoo ruux dumar ah arkaya Gidaaro iyo meelo kale doonan maayo :D . In conclusion "Waa rag iyo caadadii" !!!!

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Originally posted by Hunguri:

Tell me one. Waaba iska biya biyaysanayaa. Loool

hahahahahaha ,,,,, waar heedhe ,, biyobiyaysigu ha kuu dambeeyee bal horta cid uun gacanta la hel ,,, hadhow wax la yeeli Allaa oge :D



bal sidaad laba-xiniinyoodlena uga marqaansiisay day ,,, waa kaa is kala garan waayay ee cirka eeg eegaye ,,, :D:D

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loool @ Mirqaan. waar illeeyn Laba Xiniiyoodle kalmadaas ayuu dhadhansanayay. Waxaan Somalia arki jiray. Rag Ordaya oo luuq luuq kasii baxaya. Markaad waydiisid oo tidhaahdid xagaa u socotaana. Ku odhanaya. AAh aar saaxiib meel halkaas ayaan dhadhan ku hayaa smile.gif . Dee hadda arrinkiiba Internet-ka ayuu soo galay. LoooooL, Laba Xiniiyood, kalmadaa "Biya Biyeeysi" ayuu dhadhan ku hayaa ;) . JB, ka qallee duqa!!!

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Waar duqa iska daayoo ,,,, be careful yaah ?? ,,,,,, waxaan maqlay you sent da wrong flowers on Val-day and she hit your head with a stick ,,,,,,,, ,,, u better ask me be4 u send anything ,,,, bal qasaaraha kugu dhacay day imika ,,,,,,,,,,,, :D

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Waniyohow, yaa kuu sheegay warkaa. Waxaanba islahaa cidina ma oga. You are such a dangerous man. So, you know every thing, even the flower that I sent the other day. Saaxiib luckyly, there was no bruises. I left a quote, after this incident happened. I was more like Cigaal Shiidaad, and said.


Gabadhay ma waxan ku mooday

Mise waxaad noqotay

Mise waxaan loo noqon doonin.


Waxaan ku mooday Xabiibtaydii smile.gif .

Waxaadse noqotay Abeeso (snake)

Waxaanse loo noqon doonin Ubax iyo V-day Danbe :D


Ceebla V Cigaal :D

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looooooooooooooooooooooooooool :D:D:D



and why u blaming her niyow ,,,,,,, you were wrong coz u sent da wrong flowers and she thought according to da flowers you sent ,,,,


Now lemme call her bal and apologize on your behalf ,,,,,,,,,,, gabadhu mid la daayo may ahayne ,,,,,, :D

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:D , waar bal warkaa Laba Xiniiyood yaanu maqlin. LooooL, He may also try to guess the number, and call her on the other side of the world. LoooL. Waa runoo daadax iyo nus ayay ahayd :D . Alla wanaagsanydaa !!!

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Haddaba arinka aniga igu daa anigaa dhamaynayee ,,, adiguna intaa yaan afkaaga juuq laga maqline dibnahaaga xidho ,,,, :D



wax kelena waan kuu ogahaye ,,,, :D

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