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The accountant who ran away

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A well-known Soomaali accountant is in a pot of boiling water in the recent weeks in this city.


I had noticed his office was closed the recent Fridays, since it was right next to the masaajid I pray at sometimes. Suspiciously, it was closed when it is the busiest time for accountants.


It was then when I heard the news: The guy fled and is, in fact, vacationing in Soomaaliya currently, and his former "clients" are in heat by the vengeancing Revenue Canada.


He used to fill bogus, inflated incomes for tens of Soomaalis for years, who in turn got back hundreds -- if not thousands of unqualified earnings -- of dollars back in income returns. Until now.


His actions were typical, so expected, but the burning question is: Was his running off to Soomaaliya warranted in order save his a$$ when he was caught in the cookie jar and in the process his clients -- who knowingly collaborated in the scam as well, though -- feeling the heat now?


Should they pay their comeuppance more than their fair share, including his? Or probably, they too should cut and run on their heels.


Tan ku cashar qaata, Soomaaliyeey. Many abuse the system, but always expect at the back of your mind sometimes it -- whatever you are doing knowingly and illegally-- can catch with you. Another Soomaali accountant did a similar action in Mareykanka, who was caught last year, and many of his clients ka shalaaye.

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MMA, can't really be mad at the guy, after all, all of his clients knew exactly what they were getting...Kaaga siidaranee, I heard he used some of his clients information to purchase homes/condos, take out loans, etc...And now he is chilling in Somaliland...Ain't this a BIAAAAAACH!!!


Believe me, the last people I want on my behind is Revenue Canada...I once made an innocent mistake on my returns, God knows, I am still paying for my mistake...Can't image what these people are going through now...Good luck to them...

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^nope, he is on weston rd.


Actually, he told me last year, that he was finally done with the business and that his nephew was going to take over from here on.


Aad iyo aad ayuu u faan badan yahay, he was talking about getting into the real estate buzz in dubai.


This was coming and anyone who didn't know is a fool.



I had noticed his office was closed the recent Fridays, since it was right next to the masaajid I pray at sometimes. Suspiciously, it was closed when it is the busiest time for accountants.

His office is inside small building. You have to take the stairs, open a door, go to a hall and then stumble upon his office for you to actually spot it, not something kor ka arki karto. icon_razz.gif


Its not something one notices right after getting off a masjid from outside, in other words, same old MMA snooping around as always. There goes all your ajar.

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^Dayahee ciridkiisa...LOL...Hair loss xataa aanka qaaday...LOOOOL...


The one and only!


In 2004, he was shot three times by some guys he owed money to:


Ambushed as he stepped out of a Weston coffee shop, the hard-working accountant was shot three times Saturday morning by a gunman standing a few metres away and armed with a high-powered .357 Magnum.

More on the hard-working accountant.


Waxaan maqli jiray 'cagtii socotaaba mar uun bay ceeb la kulantaa'...

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Kuusha, qarxis yaah, LoL. I didn't know those who shot him a few years ago knew him personally. I thought they were some robbers or gangs.


Is this the dude on Bloor close to Keele?

Weston iyo Lawrence aeea ayuu small office ku leeyahay.


Originally posted by LayZie G.:

quote:I had noticed his office was closed the recent Fridays, since it was right next to the masaajid I pray at sometimes. Suspiciously, it was closed when it is the busiest time for accountants.

His office is inside small building. You have to take the stairs, open a door, go to a hall and then stumble upon his office for you to actually spot it, not something kor ka arki karto.


Its not something one notices right after getting off a masjid from outside, in other words, same old MMA snooping around as always. There goes all your ajar.
If you have passed his office, you would have stumbled the small masaajid I am talking about.


Let's just peruse your own words to give where the masaajid is:


Masaajid is inside small building. You have to take the stairs, open a door, go to a hall and then pass the xawilaad office of Qaran, then further pass this accountant's office to reach the little masaajid I am talking about. For your information, the little masaajid in the same second floor hall ku yaalaa. Not outside, but inside the same floor in the same building. Hubso intaadan "snooping" iyo wax kale la soo boodin.

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^Kadaa hee gabadha? May be (just may be) she thought the Masjid is located outside of the 'small' building...


Layzie, Mr. Know-It-All a.k.a. MMA is right, one has to pass Mr. Hard-Working's office to get to the Masjid in the same 'small' building...Therefore, you're snooping theory dariishadey kabaxday, xaakale? icon_razz.gif

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^, KK, aniga waan kula yaabanahay.


Why do you always stand up for mr Detective here regarding the state of affairs of the somali community in the GTA?


If you two are trying to convince me that there is a little masjid inside that tiny building, then its something aan indhaheyga kusoo arki doono one of these days..


and what type of masaajid can be located inside a tiny building, the rooms are so tiny, ya raxma.


Masaaajidka aa ka hadleysiin must be inside that xawalaad place eh, lol or next to it.


In any regards, the findings of a tiny room called inside that building that is called a "masaajid" doesn't change MMA's ways, he is still the same.


Again, I ask KK, what do you get out of defending mR snoopy, mr detective, mr I know everything through hearsay?

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^ L0L :D . Saa u taqaanid lee. Mr. "awowgay ayaan ka maqlay...saaxiibkay ayaa ii sheegay...adeerkay ayaa i dhahay...iyo anoo yaraa waxaa jiri jiray."


Layzie waa fiiro dheer tahay. Who would've thought? ;)

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Layzie, stand up for Mr Detective? Who? ME? No way Jose!!! Laakiin runtiis waaye, there is a little masjid in that little ol' building...There is also a dugsi there...Makuusoo tiriyaahee inta wax ku taalo meesha? After all, close to four years baan daganaa building kasoo horjeeda that 'little' building...


Laakiinse Layzieyeey wax la isweydiiyo maxumee walaaleey, adi maxaa kudaba dhigay Mr. Know-It-All a.k.a. Mr. Detective a.k.a. Mr. Snoopy? Anaaba yaaban... :confused:


I see dadaan ogahay wili isku dhadhajis iyo sikudir majoojin... ;)

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