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Somali women are 22 times more likely to die in childbirth than European women

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Somali women are 22 times more likely to die in childbirth and pregnancy than European women , MSF reports. Source: Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)


The report says most deaths and disability result from delays in recognizing complications, reaching a medical facility or receiving quality care. :mad:


Quite frankly, this is an unacceptably high number of women dying in childbirth and pregnancy. Roughly -one Somali woman every hour—die as a result of pregnancy complications and childbirth. Yet many of these women’s lives could be saved if they had access to basic health care services.


So many women deliver their children without trained midwife, nurse or doctor. Therefore, there is a desperate need to train more doctors, nurses, Trained midwifes, primary healthcare workers, or trained traditional birth attendants.


These issues are enormous challenge yet there are many special people dedicating their lives to make a difference. In my opinion, as nomads we can partner with them to save our peoples lives and improve health care for the women and children in our country. Our women, children and men are dying day after day in 17 years and the whole international community is standing helpless watching our country being destroyed. Let’s unite, forgive and move ahead. We are one Nation in one country. See our children’s and women’s eyes are teary not because they have been beaten no, they lack of food, water, health care, education and all essentials. Nomads of the land of Somalia lets all come together for the sake of our people and country. I know we will make it but it has to begin from you and me.


Let’s pray and hope for a better future for our people and country.

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